Homeroom Assignments

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WEEK 11 March 26-30

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on homework or other information. TTW share any announcements needed during this time.

*Students can go to another teacher’s room during this time as long as they have a pass from that teacher.

*no cell phones are allowed expect with the permission of the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK 10 March 19-23

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on homework or other information. TTW share any announcements needed during this time.

*Students can go to another teacher’s room during this time as long as they have a pass from that teacher.

*no cell phones are allowed expect with the permission of the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK March 5-9

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW review for the finals and do make-up work during this time.

*no cell phone allowed during this time unless student has teacher approval (only school related activities.

*students can go to another teacher’s room during this time if they have a pass to do so.



WEEK 1 Feb. 12-16

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW get material from other classes out on their desks to work on. The teacher will pass out work for those who have no work to do.

*Students can leave to go to another teachers room as long as they have a pass from that teacher. No one will be allowed to have out electronic devices (unless teacher gives ok and it is a school related activity).



WEEK Feb. 5-9

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on homework or study for exams in their classes. Students can leave to go to another teacher’s room to complete make up work if needed (must have note from teacher to be allowed). TSW also work on a reading comprehension problems.


*no cell phones will be allowed without approval from the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK 1 Jan. 29- Feb. 2

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will



TSW walk in the room and start working on homework or reviewing material from another course. TTW go over announcements or the principle will.

TSW work on work given to them from the BHS English department.

*the students will be allowed to go to another teacher’s room if they have permission from that teacher.



WEEK 1 Jan. 22-26

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW have material out on their desk to study or perform. TTW announce any new events or activities. TSW be allowed to go to another teacher’s room to complete makeup work if they have a note from that teacher.

*no cell phones will be allowed without approval from the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK 1 Jan. 16-19

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on reviewing for their final exams or go to another teacher’s room to finish testing if necessary (must have a pass from the teacher).

*no cell phones will be allowed without approval from the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK 1 Jan. 8-12

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW study any material that they have to study at the time and can go to another teacher’s room to do makeup work if they have a pass from that teacher. No cell phones should be out unless they have permission from the teacher



WEEK Jan. 5

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW get acclimated to their new schedules and be reminded of rules for homeroom including the following:

  • Must get note from other teacher and bring it to me every day you are not present.
  • Must have work out and on desk everyday when bell rings.
  • Do not ask to go to the bathroom until after the bell has rung.
  • Must have permission to have cell phones out and do not ask if not school related activity.



WEEK 12-18 through 12-20

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on reviewing for their final exams or go to another teacher’s room to finish testing if necessary (must have a pass from the teacher).

*no cell phones will be allowed without approval from the teacher (must be school related activity).



WEEK 12-11 through 12-15

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on a word puzzle unless they have anything to do to prepare for an exam or test.

  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out, unless they have prior approval from the instructor.  Students can go to other teacher’s room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher.



WEEK 17 12-4 through 12-8

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on getting any homework or makeup work during this time period.

  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out during the week without prior teacher approval.  Students can go to other teacher’s room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher.



WEEK 11-27/12-1

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on activities created by the BHS Science department. TTW go over the packet periodically throughout the week.

  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out for any reason during the week (unless approved by the teacher before hand). Students can go to other teacher’s room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher.



WEEK 11-13/11-17

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW put together a care package for the women’s association fundraiser for the school.

TSW work on activities created by the BHS Science department. TTW go over the packet periodically throughout the week.

  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out for any reason during the week other than working on math work.  Students can go to other teachers room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher.



WEEK 11-6/11-10

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on activities created by the BHS English department. TTW go over the packet periodically throughout the week.

  • Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out for any reason during the week without prior teacher approval.  Students can go to other teachers room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher.



WEEK 10-30 through 11-3

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


TSW work on activities created by the BHS English department. TTW go over the packet periodically throughout the week.

Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out for any reason during the week. Students can go to other teacher’s room to complete work as long as they have a note form that teacher



WEEK 10/23-10/27

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday- Fall Break

Tuesday- Fall Break


Wednesday- Students will work on a math packet from the BHS math department. TTW go over the information with the students.


Thursday- Students will work on a math packet from the BHS math department. TTW go over the information with the students.


Friday- Students will work on a math packet from the BHS math department. TTW go over the information with the students.


*Students will not be allowed to have their cell phones. Students will be allowed to go to other teachers classes to do make-up work as long as they have a pass form said teacher.



WEEK 11 Oct. 16→20

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday- Students will get an ACT math packet to work on.  TTW give the students answers and answer any questions they might have.


Tuesday- Students will get an ACT math packet to work on.  TTW give the students answers and answer any questions they might have.


Wednesday- Students will get an ACT math packet to work on.  TTW give the students answers and answer any questions they might have.


Thursday- Students will get an ACT math packet to work on.  TTW give the students answers and answer any questions they might have.


Friday- Students will get an ACT math packet to work on.  TTW give the students answers and answer any questions they might have.  TTW take up the ACT math packet from the students.


*Students can leave to other teacher’s room for make-up work in state tested areas.  The students must have a pass from that teacher.  The students are allowed to have their cell phones out during the week to work on ACT math question, but must only be on the calculator application.




*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday- TTW pass out a packet made by the BHS science department for the students to complete.


Tuesday-Student holiday, REPORT CARD PICK UP DAY!!


Wednesday- TSW work on their packet for the BHS science department and the teacher will go over it with them.


Thursday- TSW work on their packet for the BHS science department and the teacher will go over it with them.


Friday- 60% day, HOMECOMING, no homeroom



WEEK 9 Oct. 2-6

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday- TSW walk in the room and get the packet made by the BHS history staff.  TSW try to answer 20 questions and TTW go over the correct response to those 20 questions.


Tuesday- walk in the room and get the packet made by the BHS history staff.  TSW try to answer 20 questions and TTW go over the correct response to those 20 questions.


Wednesday- walk in the room and get the packet made by the BHS history staff.  TSW try to answer 20 questions and TTW go over the correct response to those 20 questions.


Thursday- walk in the room and get the packet made by the BHS history staff.  TSW try to answer 20 questions and TTW go over the correct response to those 20 questions.


Friday- walk in the room and get the packet made by the BHS history staff.  TSW try to answer 20 questions and TTW go over the correct response to those 20 questions.


*Students may leave to do makeup work for state tested classes during this time.  Students still need to complete packets.  Students must have note from teacher asking for student to come to his/her room during this time.  Students will not be allowed to use cell phones during this time.




WEEK 8 Sept. 25-29

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday-  TTW pass out reading packets created by the BHS English department.  TSW work on them and the teacher will go over the correct answers as the students need them.


Tuesday- TTW pass out reading packets created by the BHS English department.  TSW work on them and the teacher will go over the correct answers as the students need them.


Wednesday- TTW pass out reading packets created by the BHS English department.  TSW work on them and the teacher will go over the correct answers as the students need them.


Thursday- TTW pass out reading packets created by the BHS English department.  TSW work on them and the teacher will go over the correct answers as the students need them.


Friday- TTW pass out reading packets created by the BHS English department.  TSW work on them and the teacher will go over the correct answers as the students need them.


*TSW leave the packet in the room with the teacher each day.


*TSW not be allowed to have cell phones out at anytime this week.  Students may work on make-up work or they may leave for varies clubs (that meet during this time).  Students will be allowed to go to other teacher’s room during homeroom, but they must have pass or direct permission from that teacher.




WEEK 7 Sept. 18-22

*TTW=the teacher will

*TSW=the students will


Monday- TTW pass out a math packet created by the BHS math staff. TTW go over rounding rules with decimals involving the tenth, hundredth, and whole number places. TSW listen to instruction and work example problems with the teacher. TSW finish the worksheet for Monday and return the packet to the teacher before leaving class.


Tuesday- TTW pass out the math packet from Monday. TTW go over how to work out different tips amounts from regular priced meals and sales tax. TSW work the example problems out with the teacher and complete the Tip worksheet. TSW return the math packet to the teacher before leaving class.


Wednesday- TTW pass out the math packet. TTW go over how to write a tip from different circumstances. TSW write the example check with the teacher. TSW complete the worksheet on writing checks and turn the packet back into the teacher before leaving class.


Thursday- TTW pass out the math packet. TTW go over how to tell time using a non-digital clock. TSW go over the examples with the teacher. TSW complete the worksheet and turn the packet back into the teacher before leaving class.


Friday- TTW pass out the math packet. TTW go over how to work out final selling price with utilizing markup, discount, and tax. TSW complete the worksheet and turn in the packet to the teacher before leaving class.


*Students will be able to use their cell phones for math questions the teacher has about 4 calculators for those who don’t have a phone or would prefer to use the calculator. Students must turn them in before each period is over. Students will be instructed to only be on the calculator application of the cell phone.