Dates to Remember




Canvas is up and running! All work will be done in Canvas from this point forward unless stated differently by the teacher.
Assignments/Quizzes will be posted daily. This is how I will take attendance per the school district's attendance policy. It has to be done DAILY (only during the week)!!!!
Here is your login information for Canvas:


Username—1st three letters of first and last name + Lunch number (example Jack Campbell-lunch #1234—jaccam1234) Password—Bsd+6 digit date of birth (example Bsdmmddyy)

The district has put icons on the websites for iReady & Canvas. 
Must Login in to Canvas using the link from the District Site under the Students Tab!!!
Make sure you have joined Remind to stay up to date on ALL information. 

Please Sign-up with Remind using your cellular device

Remind Accounting-

Text @bhs3Acc21 to the number 81010


Remind Technology Foundations-

Text @bhs2tech21 to the number 81010