World History
Chapter 20: Cold War and Postwar Changes
Week 3
1. click on subscribe on my web page
2. use your cell phone to define vocabulary and key people
3. Read chapter notes as a review
Chapter 21: The Contemporary Western World
Week 4
1. click on subscribe on my web page
2. use your cell phone to define vocabulary and key people
3. Read chapter notes as a review
Chapter 18: Nationalism Around the World
Week 1
1. click on subscribe on my web page
2. use your cell phone to define vocabulary and key people
3. Read chapter notes as a review
Chapter 19: World War II, 1939-1945
Week 2
1. click on subscribe on my web page
2. use your cell phone to define vocabulary and key people
3. Read chapter notes as a review
Week 8 2/24-2/28
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will review all notes on WWI
Student will review notes
Student will complete WWI study guide
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will complete any remaining questions on study guide
Teacher will review study guide and test
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will complete WWI
Student will begin work on time in between the wars pack
Teacher will show next part in World Wars series
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will continue packet on time between the wars
Teacher will continue showing World Wars series
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will complete packet on time between the wars
Teacher will continue showing World Wars series
Week 7 2/17-2/21
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will begin discuss Russian Revolution and reason for leaving WWI
Student will take notes on Russian Revolution
Student will watch "War Horse"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of Russian Revolution
Student will continue notes on Russian Revolution
Student will complete assignment on Russian Revolution
Student will continue watching "War Horse"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will discuss major battles of WWI
Student will follow along in slotted notes on major battles
Student will continue watching "War Horse"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will discuss US joining WWI
Student will continue notes on WWI and US joining
Student will complete watching "War Horse"
Student will complete bellringer and turn in
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will discuss the end of the war
Student will take notes on end of the war
Student will complete Note Quiz on WWI
Week 6 2/10-2/14
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will complete study guide
Teacher will discuss study guide and test
Student will participate in review
Teacher will show crash course intro video for WWI
Teacher will begin new unit introduction "WWI"
Student will begin introductory notes on WWI
Student will complete textbook assignment- pg. 459
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will study briefly for Imperialism test
Student will complete test on imperialism
Teacher will continue introduction to WWI causes
Student will continue notes on WWI causes
Student will begin completing alliances activity
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue lecture on WWI
Student will continue notes on WWI
Student will complete textbook assignment on events of the war
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWI
Student will continue notes on WWI
Teacher will begin showing War Horse
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will review previous days discussion on WWI
Teacher will continue notes on WWI
Student will continue taking notes on WWI
Teacher will show remainder of War Horse
Week 5 2/3-2/7
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will briefly review previous week's information
Teacher will continue discussion of Imperialism and types of imperialism
Student will complete handout on imperialism types and African Imperialism
Student will complete Imperialism Worldwide handout
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of African Imperialism
Student will continue notes on imperialism
Student will work on Imperialism in the Muslim world packet
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will begin discussion of Imperialism in Asia
Student will complete notes on Imperialism in Asia
Student will complete Muslim world packet and begin study guide
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will complete discussion of Imperialism in Asia
Student will complete Study guide and review for test
Teacher will review for exam
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will take time to study for exam
Student will complete exam
Week 4 1/27-1/31
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will complete labeling Europe map
Teacher will continue notes on Industrial Revolution and Nationalism
Student will continue taking notes on Unit 2
Teacher will show video on Italian and German Unification
Student will complete pg. 309 in textbook
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of Nationalism
Student will continue notes on Nationalism
Student will complete Nationalism note quiz
Student will complete Unit 2 study guide
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will review Unit 2 study guide
Teacher will begin discussion of imperialism
Student will begin notes on imperialism
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student complete Unit 2 exam
Teacher will show intro video on imperialism
Student will complete imperialism worksheet
Student will complete bellringer and turn in
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue imperialism discussion
Student will continue notes on imperialism
Student will complete textbook assignment
Week 3 1/21-1/24
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will continue completing study guide
Teacher will assist students in completion
Teacher will review study guide and test
Teacher will intro next unit "Industrial Revolution and Nationalism"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Student will prepare to take Unit 1 test
Teacher will administer Unit 1 test
Student will complete Unit 1 test
Teacher will begin discussing Unit 2
Student will begin notes on Unit 2
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue talking about industrialization
Student will continue notes on industrialization
Student will begin worksheet on industrialization
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussing industrialization and transition to nationalism
Student will continue notes on topic
Student will complete Industrialization worksheet
Week 1: 1/7-1/10
Teacher will discuss classroom rules and expectations
Teacher will demonstrate daily routine including bellringer
Student will complete first bellringer
Teacher will explain introductory activity
Student will participate in intro activity: "World History Timeline"
Teacher will discuss student accuracy on timeline
Teacher will begin intro to first topic: Enlightenment
Student will begin notes on first topic
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of enlightenment and philosopher ideas
Student will continue notes on topic
Student will watch intro video on enlightenment
Student will complete handout of events leading to Enlightenment
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of Enlightenment and discuss Enlightenment thinkers
Student will continue notes and chart of Enlightenment thinkers
Student will complete assignment on Enlightenment thinkers
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer
Teacher will begin wrapping up discussion of Enlightenment
Student will complete section of notes on Enlightenment and thinkers
Student will complete note quiz on Enlightenment ideas and thinkers
week 2: 1/13-1/17
Student will complete bellringer
Student will watch intro video for the French Revolution
Teacher will begin discussion on French Revolution and its causes
Student will begin taking notes on the origins of the French Revolution
Student will complete assignment on beginning of revolution pg. 215 #1,3,4 in textbook
Student will complete bellringer
Substitute will pass out handout The Age of Napoleon
Student will complete assignment and make up and previous assignments
Student will complete bellringer
Student will complete brief assignment on "The Declaration of Rights of Man" pg. 222 #1,2
Teacher will discuss bellringer and quickly review topic from Monday
Student will begin with notes on French Revolution
Teacher will continue discussion of French Revolution events and outcomes
Student will complete textbook assignment pg. 221 #1,3,4
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of French Revolution and review topic
Student will complete topic and review
Student will complete and turn in bellringers
Student will complete unit test "Enlightenment and Revolution"
Week 11
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWII in the Pacific
Student will continue notes on WWII
Student will complete Time Line on events of WWII
Student will continue watching "Valkyrie"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWII in the Pacific and Europe
Student will continue notes on WWII
Student will complete watching Valkyrie
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWII and Rise of Hitler
Student will continue notes
Student will complete textbook assignment
Week 9:
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will continue working on Chapter 15 worksheet
Teacher will assist student in completing assignment
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will work on Chapter 16 worksheet
Teacher will assist student in completing assignment
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will work on Chapter 17 worksheet
Teacher will assist student in completing assignment
Student will begin Study Guide
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will continue study guide
Teacher will assist student in completing study guide
Student will complete bellringer and turn in
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will complete study guide
Teacher will assist students with completing study guide
Teacher will review students for 9 weeks test
Week 7:
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discuss of WWI part 1
Student will continue notes on part 1
Student will continue watching "War Horse"
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will discuss part 2 "Preparing for War"
Student will continue notes on WWI
Student will complete watching "War Horse"
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWI part 2
Student will continue notes on WWI
Student will complete worksheet on beginning of WWI
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will begin discussion of Russian Revolution and its effect of WWI
Student will complete notes on Russian Revolution
Student will complete assignment on Russian Revolution
Student will answer bellringer and turn in
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will finish discussion of Russian Revolution and begin End of WWI
Student will complete notes on Revolution and end of war
Student will complete Note quiz on WWI
Week 6:
9/9- 9/13
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will work on completing study guide for Imperialism test
Teacher will review study guide and prepare student for test
If time allows:
Teacher will begin discussion on WWI
Teacher will show intro video for WWI
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will complete test on Imperialism
Teacher will show intro video
Teacher will begin discussion on WWI causes
Student will begin notes on WWI
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWI causes
Student will continue notes on WWI
Student will complete worksheet on causes of the War
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will continue discussion of WWI
Student will continue notes on WWI
Student will begin watching "War Horse"
Student will complete bellringer and turn in
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will discuss WWI
Student will take notes on discussion
Student will continue "War Horse"
Week 4
Student will answer Bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will begin discussion on Nationalism
Student will begin notes on Nationalism
Student will complete note quiz on Industrialization and Nationalism
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will complete discussing Nationalism
Student will finish completing note quiz
Student will begin work on study guide for Industrial Revolution test
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will complete study guide
Teacher will cover study guide and review
Teacher will begin discussion of Imperialism
Student will begin notes on Imperialism
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will complete Industrial Revolution Test
Student will work to complete worksheet on Imperialism in the Muslim world
Student will answer bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will turn in bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of Imperialism
Student will take notes on Imperialism
Student will fill out charts on imperialism
Week 11:
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will give brief review of previous days lesson
Teacher will continue discussion on WWII
Student will continue notes on WWII
Student will begin watching "Imitation Game"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will give brief review of previous days lesson
Teacher will continue discussion on WWII events and consequences
Student will continue notes on WWII events
Student will complete textbook assignment on the Pacific Theater
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will give brief review of previous days lesson
Teacher will continue discussion on WWII events and consequences
Student will continue notes on WWII events
Student will continue watching "Imitation Game"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will give brief review of previous days lesson
Teacher will continue discussion on WWII events and the Holocaust
Student will continue notes on WWII
Student will complete watching "Imitation Game"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Teacher will give brief review of previous days lesson
Teacher will continue discussion of Holocaust and its consequences
Student will continue taking notes on Holocaust
Student will begin movie "Boy in the Stripped Pajamas"
Week 8:
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will begin work on Ch. 15 worksheet in textbook
Teacher will begin discussion of time after end of WWI
Student will begin watching "The Rising Threat"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will continue working on Ch. 15
Teacher will continue discussion of time period after war
Student will continue watching "The Rising Threat"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will begin work on Ch. 16 worksheet
Teacher will continue discussion of time between the wars including cause and effect
Student will complete watching "The Risign Threat"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will work to compelte Ch. 16 worksheet
Teacher will continue discussion of time between wars
Student will begin watching "Long Walk to Freedom" to dicuss aparthied in South Africa
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Studnet will begin working on Ch. 17 worksheet
Teacher will wrap up discussion on time period between the wars
Student will conintue watching "Long walk to Freedom"
Week 7 2/19-2/22
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will begin notes on the end of WWI
Teacher will begin discussing the events that brought end of WWI
Student will answer questions in textbook on end of war
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will continue with notes on end of WWI
Teacher will continue and complete discussion on ended of WWI
Student will complete note quiz on WWI notes
Student will begin working on WWI study guide
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will discuss bellringer and answer
Student will continue working to complete study guide
Teacher will review study guide and answer any remaining questions
Student will participate in review game for WWI test
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will discuss and collect bellringers
Students will take a few minutes to study for WWI test
Teacher will answer any remaining questions student may have
Student will complete WWI test
Student will begin watching The Word Wars video on time between the wars
week 2: 1/14-1/18
Student will complete bellringer
Student will watch intro video for the French Revolution
Teacher will begin discussion on French Revolution and its causes
Student will begin taking notes on the origins of the French Revolution
Student will complete assignment on beginning of revolution pg. 215 #1,3,4 in textbook
Student will complete bellringer
Substitute will pass out handout The Age of Napoleon
Student will complete assignment and make up and previous assignments
Student will complete bellringer
Student will complete brief assignment on "The Declaration of Rights of Man" pg. 222 #1,2
Teacher will discuss bellringer and quickly review topic from Monday
Student will begin with notes on French Revolution
Teacher will continue discussion of French Revolution events and outcomes
Student will complete textbook assignment pg. 221 #1,3,4
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of French Revolution and review topic
Student will complete topic and review
Student will complete and turn in bellringers
Student will complete unit test "Enlightenment and Revolution"
1.c. Analyze the different governmental systems of countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas (e.g., Fascism in Italy and Germany, Communism in Russia and China, Democracy in the United States, Monarchy in England, etc.) since the Age of Enlightenment in terms of the main factors that contributed to their rise and fall. (DOK 4)
3.d. Describe the causes of the Cold War and its effects on contemporary world affairs. (DOK 2)
4.d. Analyze the international developments in the post–World War II world in terms of global economic, military, and political power shifts (e.g., developments of nationalism in Africa and the ―Middle East‖, the effects of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan in Southeast Asia, the collapse of the Soviet Union, etc.). (DOK 4)
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will complete discussion of Origins of Cold War
Student will complete notes on origins of the Cold War
Student will complete Note Quiz 1 for Cold War
Student will continue watching "Bridge of Spies"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will begin discussion of the space race
Student will begin notes on the space race
Student will complete assignment in textbook on space race
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of the space race
Student will continue notes of the space race
Student will complete watching "Bridge of Spies"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will complete discussion of space race
Student will complete notes on space race
Teacher will review student for first Cold War test
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Student will complete first Cold War test
Teacher will begin discussion of Cold War part 2
Student will begin discussion of Cold War part 2
WH.2. Understand the impact of political, technological, economic, cultural, religious, and demographic changes within the global community. (DOK 2)
WH.3.a. Analyze the role of imperialism and industrialism as factors in the rise of global conflict since the Age of Enlightenment. (DOK 3)
WH.3.b. Critique the successes and failures of initiatives to create international security (e.g., Bourbon Family Compact, Concert of Europe, Holy Alliance, League of Nations, United Nations, SEATO, Non-Aligned States, etc.). (DOK 3)
WH.3.c. Analyze the causes, effects, and unique features of World War I and World War II in terms of the changes in diplomatic relationships among the various countries involved. (DOK 3)
WH.3.d. Describe the causes of the Cold War and its effects on contemporary world affairs. (DOK 2)
WH.4.d. Analyze the international developments in the post–World War II world in terms of global economic, military, and political power shifts (e.g., developments of nationalism in Africa and the ―Middle East‖, the effects of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan in Southeast Asia, the collapse of the Soviet Union, etc.). (DOK 4)
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will begin discussion of the origins of the Cold War
Student will begin guided notes on Cold War
Student will complete textbook assignment on Cold War origins
Student will comlete bellringer
Teacher will continue dicussion of the origins of the Cold War
Student will continue guided notes on Cold War
Student will complete bellringer
Student will complete assignment on communism
Teacher will wrap up any notes left for the origins of the Cold War
Student will complete any notes
WH.2. Understand the impact of political, technological, economic, cultural, religious, and demographic changes within the global community. (DOK 2)
WH.2. Understand the impact of political, technological, economic, cultural, religious, and demographic changes within the global community. (DOK 2)
WH.3.a. Analyze the role of imperialism and industrialism as factors in the rise of global conflict since the Age of Enlightenment. (DOK 3)
WH.3.c. Analyze the causes, effects, and unique features of World War I and World War II in terms of the changes in diplomatic relationships among the various countries involved. (DOK 3)
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will begin discussing The Holocaust
Student will complete notes and discussion of The Holocaust
Student will continue watching "Boy in the Stripped Pajamas"
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will continue discussion of The Holocaust and complete the topic
Student will complete notes and discussion on the topic
Student will complete Note Quiz on WWII notes to this point
Student will complete bellringer
Teacher will begin discussion of the peace process in Europe and end of war in the Pacific
Student will continue notes on the end of WWII
Student will complete assignment in textbook discussing end of war and peace process
Student will complete watching History Channel Series "The World Wars"
Student will complete bellringer
Student will particapte in teacher led review jepordy game
Teacher will lead review game
Student will complete study guide for WWII Test
Student will complete and turn in bellringer
Teacher will allow for a few minutes of review and study
Student will complete WWII Test