Lesson Plans
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Vocabulary Review
- Mutations Review
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Biotechnology
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Biotechnology Review Worksheet
- Study Guide Part 1
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Study Guide Part 2
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Test #5
- Evolution
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Vocabulary Review
- Protein Synthesis Review
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Mutations
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Genetic Engineering Part
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Test Review
- Test #4 (A-Day Students)
- Evolution Part 1
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Test Review
- Test #4 (B-Day Students)
- Evolution Part 2
Enter Title
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Multiple Alleles--Blood Types
- Sex-linked
- Video and Video Quiz
- Reading Assignment
Complete the Bell Ringer
- Brief history on scientists (i.e., Frederick Griffith, Alfred Hershey/Martha Chase, Olsward Avery, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson/ Francis Crick
- Role of DNA
- Structure of DNA
- Analyzing Data-- Erwin Chargaff rule
- DNA Replication/Protein Synthesis
Complete the Bell Ringer
- DNA & RNA Practice
- Genetic Technology
- Gel Electrophoresis
- DNA Fingerprinting
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Review Day
- Complete the Bell Ringer
- Test Day

Enter Title
- Continue with PowerPoint/Guided Notes-Chemistry of Life Part 1 (PowerPoint-Click on the left side bar)
- Ionic/Covalent Bond Practice
- Atomic Basics: Practice with Bohr Models
- Practice Writing Lewis Dot Diagrams
- Vocabulary Review-The Chemistry of Life
- SEPs: Continue IV & DV; Also, Laboratory Equipment
- Macromolecules: Carbohydrates/Lipids
- Macromolecules Video Part 1
- Carbohydrates/Lipids Worksheet
- Vocabulary Review Part 2-The Chemistry of Life (List 2)
- Periodic Table Review
- Laboratory Equipment Review (#1-6)
- Macromolecules: Proteins (Enzymes)
- Macromolecules Video Part 2
- Proteins (Enzymes) Review
- Vocabulary Review Part 3-The Chemistry of Life (List 3)
- Laboratory Equipment Review (7-12)
- Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids
- Macromolecules Video Part 3
- Practice with Nucleic Acids
- Vocabulary Review Part 4-The Chemistry of Life (List 4)
- The Chemistry of Life Study Guide
- Bell Ringer
- Review for Test
- TEST-The Chemistry of Life
- Following the test, students will do Macromolecules Enrichment
MONDAY, August 31, 2020
- Click on the Bell Ringer Tab for Week 1.
Daily Assignment
Monday & Tuesday
- Review the BSD 2020-2021 Handbook and answer the questions based. See below.
1st Block: Review pages 1-27
2nd Block: Review pages 28-41
3rd Block: Review pages 42-50
4th Block: Review pages 51-69
- Learning Style Inventory Sheet
- How Pandemics Spread
- CDC Hand Washing Video/Quiz
- The Language of Science
- Textbook Scavenger Hunt
- Watch Amoeba Sisters Nature of Science Video.
- Discuss the video and answer questions about the video (Click here for the worksheet).
- Complete the Coronavirus Fact Sheet
- PowerPoint-Famous Scientists
- Students will take guided notes based on the PowerPoint
- Review vocabulary-Famous Scientists
- Review for quiz
- Take quiz
- Continue PowerPoint
Week of September 9-13, 2019
- Distance Learning Packets may be picked up on either Monday, April 20 or Tuesday, April 21 between 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Other important information below.
- Please check with your other teachers for their assignments. Packets are available for each subject.
- Stay safe.
- If you do not have access to Google Classroom, Kahoot, or YouTube, you will need to pick up your Distance Learning Packet on either Monday, March 23 or Tuesday, March 24 between 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
- Please check with your other teachers for their assignments. Packets are available for each subject.
- If you have any questions, feel from to email me at [email protected] or contact me via Remind.
- Please follow the guidelines for being safe.
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Review Worksheet Part 1
Students: Play various review games including Kahoot-Macromolecules; Cellular Energy
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review Worksheet Part 2
Students will play various review games including Kahoot-Cellular Reproduction; Genetics
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Review Worksheet Part 3
Students: 2nd/4th will take their Third Term Exam
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Review Worksheet Part 4
Students: 2nd/4th will take their Third Term Exam
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Review Worksheet Part 4 (1st/3rd Blocks)
Students: 2nd/4th will complete their Third Term Exam
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the previous quiz
Students: Video-Mitosis
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice-Cell Cycle & Mitosis Biology Essential Worksheet
Students: Independent Practice-DNA Replication & Mitosis Coloring Sheet
Students: Interactive Activity-Labeling the Cell Cycle
Teacher/Students: Review
Students: Closure
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Vocab Check
Teacher: Lecture 5.3
Students: Read pp. 121-122 and complete questions on p. 123
Teacher: Introduce Meiosis
Teacher/Students: Discussion of Meiosis Video
Students: Guided Notes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: Review
Students: Closure
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Read pp. 124-128 and complete questions on pp. 127, 129, 130
Teacher: Introduce Section 5.5
Teacher/Students: Guided Notes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: Review Vocab
Students: Closure
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Comparison between Mitosis and Meiosis
Teacher/Students: Review for test on Friday
Students: Study Guide Part 1
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review for the test
Students: Complete the test
Students: Enrichment following the test
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review previous quiz
Students: Complete student corrections
Teacher/Students: Review for test on Wednesday
Teacher: Introduce Mitosis; Powerpoint Notes
Teacher/Students: Guided notes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Students: Closure
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/students: Review for the test
Students: Complete Test #1
Students: After students have complete their test, complete Interactive Notebook Assignment
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduce Meiosis; Powerpoint Notes
Teacher/Students: Guided notes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Students: Complete Vocabulary Check
Teacher/Students: Review for quiz on Friday
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review for the quiz
Students: Quiz-Mitosis
Teacher: Following the quiz, continue Meiosis Part 2
Teacher/Students: Guided notes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Students: Closure
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review previous quiz
Students: Complete Vocab Check
Teacher: Lecture Viruses
Students: Review the video-Viruses Hijackers
Students: Answer discussion questions
Teacher/Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Cell Transport Part 1
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Cell Transport Part 2
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review for quiz
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review
Students: Complete the quiz
- BIO.1A.1
- BIO.1A.2
- BIO.1A.3
- BIO.1C.1
- BIO.1C.2
- BIO.1D.1
- BIO.1E.1
Make sure to review the homework at the bottom of this lesson plan.
Student Holiday
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher: Briefly review Biology Prefixes/Suffixes Part from the previous semester
Students: Complete Biology 1 Pre-Test
Teacher/Students: Introduce Characteristics of Life
Students: Characteristics of Life Worksheet
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the cell theory
Students: Complete Interactive Notebook
Teacher: Lecture Cell Organelles
Students: Read Sections 2.2 and 2.3 then complete p. 46 and pp. 49-50
Students: Complete Vocabulary Review Check (Students may play Kahoot if time permits)
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/student: Review the do now
Teacher/students: Read Sections 2.4 and 2.5 then complete p. 54 and p.58
Teacher: Lecture Viruses
Students: Complete p. 62; Students will also complete Vocabulary Check (Students may play Kahoot if time permits)
Teacher/Students: Review for the quiz on Friday
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review prior to the quiz
Students: Complete Quiz on Section 2
Teacher: When students are finished with their quizzes, the teacher will introduce homeostasis.
Monday: No homework
Tuesday: Students read and respond to syllabus; also complete flashcards-Vocabulary on p. 41 due on Wednesday
Wednesday: Complete flashcards-Vocabulary on p. 44 due on Thursday
Thursday: Review for the quiz on Friday; also complete flashcards-Vocabulary on p. 51 due on Friday
Friday: Complete flashcards for p. 59 and p. 67 due on Monday
FB 6.2 Use models to analyze the cycling of matter in an ecosystem (e.g., water, carbon
dioxide/oxygen, nitrogen).
FB.6.3 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain relationships that exist between
abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem. Explain how changes in biotic and abiotic
components affect the balance of an ecosystem over time.
FB 6.4 Develop and use models to discuss the climate, flora, and fauna of the terrestrial and aquatic
biomes of the world.
FB 6.5 Use models to analyze the flow of energy through food chains, webs, and pyramids.
FB 6.6 Engage in scientific argument from evidence to distinguish organisms that exist in symbiotic
(mutualism, parasitism, commensalism) or co-evolutionary (predator-prey, cooperation,
competition, and mimicry) relationships within ecosystems.
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduction to Ecology
Students: Vocabulary Challenge
Teacher: Global Systems/Biomes PowerPoint
Students: Guided Notes-Global Systems/Land Biomes
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice-Match the Land Biome
Students: Independent Practice-Touring the Land Biomes
Teacher/Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Students: Vocabulary Challenge
Teacher: Ecology-Ecosystems (Energy Flow) PowerPoint
Students: Guided Notes-Ecosystems (Energy Flow)
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice Energy Flow Worksheet
Students: Independent Practice-Energy in the Ecosystem
Teacher/students: Review the vocabulary
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Students: Vocabulary Challenge
Teacher: Ecology-Cycles of Matter (Carbon/Water) PowerPoint
Students: Guided Notes-Ecology-Cycles of Matter (Carbon/Water)
Teacher/Students: Interactive Notebook-Cycles of Matter Part 1
Students: Independent Practice-Cycles of Matter Critical Reading
Teacher/students: Review the vocabulary
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Students: Vocabulary Challenge
Teacher: Ecology-Cycles of Matter (Nitrogen/Phosphorus) PowerPoint
Students: Guided Notes-Ecology-Cycles of Matter (Nitrogen/Phosphorus)
Teacher/Students: Interactive Notebook-Cycles of Matter Part 2
Students: Independent Practice-Cycles of Matter Critical Reading Part 2
Teacher/students: Review the vocabulary
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Students: Vocabulary Challenge
Teacher: Ecology-Communities of Ecosystems
Students: Guided Notes-Ecology-Communities of Ecosystems
Teacher/Students: Communities of Ecosystems Worksheet
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/students: Review the vocabulary
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Complete testing
Students: Following testing, complete vocabulary sheets
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review gel electrophoresis
Students: DNA Fingerprinting Worksheet
Teacher/Students: Review the test
Teacher: Reteach trouble areas of the test
Students: Practice most missed questions
Teacher/Students: Review evolution part 1
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Evolution Part 2
Students: Guided notes
Students: Watch Evolution Video
Students: Write a summary about the movie and the aspects of evolution
Students: Do Now
Teachers/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/students: Review for the vocabulary quiz
Students: Complete the vocabulary quiz
Teacher/Students: Review for test on Friday
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review for the test
Students: Complete the test
Students: After the testing, complete vocabulary for next week
FB.4.4 Obtain and communicate information to describe how mutations may affect genetic expression
and provide examples.
FB.4.5 Research and report genetic technologies that may improve the quality of life (e.g., genetic
engineering, cloning, gene splicing, DNA testing).
Week of November 4-8, 2019
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Complete testing
Students: Following testing, complete vocabulary sheets
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review mutations
Students: Mutations Worksheet
Teacher: Introduce Evolution
Students: Guided Notes-Evolution
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice-Evolution Worksheet
Students: Review for vocabulary quiz
Students: Do Now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Evolution Part 2
Students: Guided notes
Students: Review for vocabulary quiz
Students: Do Now
Teachers/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/students: Review for the vocabulary quiz
Students: Complete the vocabulary quiz
Teacher/Students: Review for test on Friday
Students: Do Now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review for the test
Students: Complete the test
Students: After the testing, complete vocabulary for next week
Week 11
Week 10
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduction-Non-mendelian Genetics
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Genetics Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Student Holiday
Students: Complete the do now
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Additional practice-Non-mendelian genetics
Teacher: Introduction-Mutations
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Mutations Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduction-Genetic Engineering
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Genetic Engineering Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Week 9: 10/7/19 through 10/11/19
FB.4.3 Use models (e.g., Punnett squares) and mathematical reasoning to describe and predict
patterns of inheritance of single genetic traits from parents to offspring (e.g., dominant, and
recessive traits, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, sex- linkage).
FB.4.4 Obtain and communicate information to describe how mutations may affect genetic expression
and provide examples.
FB.4.5 Research and report genetic technologies that may improve the quality of life (e.g., genetic
engineering, cloning, gene splicing, DNA testing).
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review prior to testing
Students: Take First Term Test (Vocabulary-1st and 4th blocks; ELS First Term Test-2nd and 3rd blocks)
Students: Genetics Vocabulary if time permits
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review prior to testing
Students: Take First Term Test (ELS First Term Test-1st and 4th blocks; Vocabulary-2nd and 3rd blocks)
Students: Continue with Genetics Vocabulary if time permits
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduction-Non-mendelian Genetics
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Genetics Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: Daily Double (Review)
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Additional practice-Non-mendelian genetics
Teacher: Introduction-Mutations
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Mutations Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: the Daily Double
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduction-Genetic Engineering
Students: Complete guided notes from the PowerPoint
Students: Genetic Engineering Video Quiz
Teacher/Students: Guided Practice
Students: Independent Practice
Teacher/Students: The Daily Double
Review for First Term Exam
Review definitions
Non-mendelian Genetics-Incomplete Dominance and Codominant Worksheet
Interactive Notebook-Genetics
Review for the upcoming test; review definitions
Week 9: 9/30/19-10/4/19
Week 9: Monday, September 30, 2019-Friday, October 4, 2019
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review genetics
Teacher/Students: Guided practice with genetics (Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2)
Students: Independent practice-Genetics (Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2)
Teacher: Review meiosis
Students: Video Quiz: Meiosis
Students: Complete Amoeba Sisters Video Recap on Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration
Teacher/Students: Vocabulary Review
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review genetics
Teacher/Students: Guided practice with genetics (Chapter 12 Section 3)
Students: Independent practice-Genetics (Chapter 12 Section 3)
Teacher: Continue meiosis
Students: Kahoot, if possible; if not students will do various review activities
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduce Viruses
Teacher/Students: Guided practice with Viruses (Chapter 21 Section 1)
Students: Independent practice-Viruses
Teacher: Continue with midterm review
Students: Video Quiz: Meiosis
Students: Kahoot, if possible; if not students will do various review activities
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Students: Interactive notebook: scientists
Teacher: Continue with midterm review
Students: Video Quiz: Meiosis
Students: Kahoot, if possible; if not students will do various review activities
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teachers/Students: Review prior to the test
Students: Take the vocabulary midterm
Students: When you finish the vocabulary test, continue review for the midterm exam
Video Quiz: Photosynthesis; Continue work on flashcards and interactive notebook
Genetics Part 1; continue work on flashcards due on Friday and interactive notebook
Genetics Part 2; Complete study guide Part 1
Review for vocabulary midterm test
Review study guide for nine weeks exam on Monday and Tuesday
Week 8: Monday, September 23, 2019-Friday, September 27, 2019
FB.3.4 Analyze the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration and explain that relationship in terms of the need for all living things to acquire energy from their environment.
FB.3.5 Use models to explain how ADP and ATP cycle to store and release chemical energy using inorganic phosphate.
BIO.2 Students will explain that cells transform energy through the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration to drive cellular functions.
BIO.2.1 Use models to demonstrate that ATP and ADP are cycled within a cell as a means to transfer energy.
BIO.2.2 Develop models of the major reactants and products of photosynthesis to demonstrate the transformation of light energy into stored chemical energy in cells. Emphasize the chemical processes in which bonds are broken and energy is released, and new bonds are formed and energy is stored.
BIO.2.3 Develop models of the major reactants and products of cellular respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) to demonstrate the transformation of the chemical energy stored in food to the available energy of ATP. Emphasize the chemical processes in which bonds are broken and energy is released, and new bonds are formed and energy is stored.
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Introduce Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration
Teacher: PowerPoint Cellular Energy
Student: Complete note packet
Teacher/students: Watch Amoeba Sisters Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration
Students: Complete Video Recap Worksheet
Teacher/Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Review previous test
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Students: Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration Jigsaw
Teacher/students: Guided practice, Photosynthesis video quiz
Students: Independent Practice-Analyzing Data p. 296
Students: Review Vocabulary Tic Tac Toe
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Discuss factors affecting photosynthesis (including photosynthesis under extreme conditions)
Students: Venn diagram Photosynthesis vs Cellular Respiration
Teacher: Introduce Fermentation
Teacher/Students: Guided practice
Students: Independent practice-quick lab demonstration
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review for upcoming test
Students: Around the clock-Stations (Mitosis, Meiosis, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Fermentation)
Students: Complete Interactive Notebook ActivityStudents: Review for the first term exam
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review the students for upcoming test
Students: Take the test
Students: After the test, complete the vocabulary activity
FB.3.4 Analyze the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration and explain that relationship in terms of the need for all living things to acquire energy from their environment.
FB.3.5 Use models to explain how ADP and ATP cycle to store and release chemical energy using inorganic phosphate.
BIO.2 Students will explain that cells transform energy through the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration to drive cellular functions.
BIO.2.1 Use models to demonstrate that ATP and ADP are cycled within a cell as a means to transfer energy.
BIO.2.2 Develop models of the major reactants and products of photosynthesis to demonstrate the transformation of light energy into stored chemical energy in cells. Emphasize the chemical processes in which bonds are broken and energy is released, and new bonds are formed and energy is stored.
BIO.2.3 Develop models of the major reactants and products of cellular respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) to demonstrate the transformation of the chemical energy stored in food to the available energy of ATP. Emphasize the chemical processes in which bonds are broken and energy is released, and new bonds are formed and energy is stored.
BIO.1A.1 Develop criteria to differentiate between living and non-living.
BIO.1A.4 Use evidence from current scientific literature to support whether a virus is living or non-living.
BIO.1C.3 Contrast the structure of viruses with that of cells, and explain why viruses must use living cells to reproduce.
FB.4 Students will demonstrate and understanding of how genetic information is transferred from parent to offspring.
FB.4.1 Compare and contrast the basic structure and function of nucleic acids (e.g., DNA, RNA).
FB.4.2 Obtain and communicate information illustrating the relationships among DNA, genes, chromosomes, and proteins to the basis of life.
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/Student: Review the do now
Students: Review previous test
Students: Quick Lab
Teacher: Introduce mitosis
Students: Take notes from PowerPoint
Teacher/Students: Guided notes
Students: Independent Practice
Students: Complete interactive notebook activity
Students: Review vocabulary
Teacher/Students: Review Amoeba Sisters-Cell cycle/mitosis
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/Student: Review the do now
Students: Review previous test
Teacher/Students: Review mitosis
Teacher: Introduce meiosis
Teacher/Students: Guided practice
Students: Independent practice
Students: Watch Amoeba Sisters
Teacher/Students: Review for quiz
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/Student: Review the do now
Students: Review for quiz
Students: Take the quiz; following the quiz students will continue to work on their interactive noteboook assignment
Teacher: If time permits, the teacher will introduce photosynthesis.
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/Student: Review the do now
Teacher: Review photosynthesis
Teacher: Introduce the students to cellular respiration
Students: Take notes from PowerPoint
Teacher/Students: Guided notes
Students: Independent Practice
Student: Complete the do now
Teacher/Student: Review the do now
Students: Card sort
Students: Review for vocabulary quiz
Students: Take vocabulary quiz, following the quiz, the students will complete their interactive notebook activity
Cell Cycle worksheet
Mitosis Worksheet and also review for quiz
Review vocabulary
Meiosis Worksheet and review vocabulary
Review notes
F.B. 3.2 Use models to investigate and explain structures within living cells that support life (e.g.,
cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, Golgi,
vacuoles, ER, ribosomes, chromosomes, centrioles, cytoskeleton, nucleolus, nuclear membrane).
F.B. 3.3 Compare and contrast active and passive cellular transport. Analyze the movement of water
across a cell membrane in hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions.
F.B. 3.6 Compare and contrast the processes and results of mitosis and meiosis.
Week of September 9-13, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
Do Now (Bell Ringer) Assignment
Briefly go over last week's test
Introduce the concept of cellular transport and selectively permeable membrane
Complete handouts on Sections 8.2 and 8.3
H.W. Complete handouts
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Do Now (Bell Ringer) Assignment
Discuss Types of Passive Transports
Discuss Types of Active Transports
Compare/Contrast the kinds of transports
H.W. Complete handouts
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Do Now (Bell Ringer) Assignment
Introduce cellular division
Discuss why cells divide
Review previous lessons
H.W. Bring Gummi Bears for mini lab
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Do Now (Bell Ringer) Assignment
Mini-lab on passive transport: Osmosis
Continue on cellular division: asexual reproduction
Friday, September 13, 2019
Review previous lessons
Continue on different types of asexual reproduction and mitosis
Week 4 Week of August 26-30, 2019
Do Now (Bell Ringer) Assignment:
Turn in last Friday's lab assignment
Video on Enzymes with questions
Notes on Enzymes -- discuss how they work, 3 factors needed for enzyme function
Handout on Enzymes
Reinforcement Enzyme Foldable (INB)
Video Introduction on The Cell with questions
TSW complete making index cards for the vocabulary on the cells.
Guided notes on cells structure (Prok. vs. Euk. and cell organelles).
TSW start INB for animal and plant cells
TSW complete their bell ringer “What is your favorite cell organelle and why? ”.
TTW lead students in finishing the notes on cells and their organelles.
Do Now (Bell Ringer)
Science Literacy: Students will write an adventure "My Life as an Organelle"
TSW finish the plant cell and animal cell foldables.
TSW complete vocabulary scramble after finished.
TTW lead students in a review of these foldables and their vocabulary (either by Kahoot or verbally.)
TSW work on 7.2 organelles by themselves or with their seat neighbor.
TSW complete their bell ringer
TSW finish worksheet 7.2 and the teacher will go over it with them.
TTW lead students in a lecture on cell transport.
TSW follow along taking notes in their note skeleton.
TSW start 7.3 on cell transport.
TSW work on vocabulary fills in the blank.
TSW finish 7.3 and the teacher will go over it.
Test on Enzymes and the cell organelles
Biology Lesson Plans 2019
- BIO.2.3 Develop models of the major reactants and products of cellular respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) to demonstrate the transformation of the chemical energy stored in food to the available energy of ATP. Emphasize the chemical processes in which bonds are broken and energy is released, and new bonds are formed and energy is stored.
- BIO.2.4 Conduct scientific investigations or computer simulations to compare aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration in plants and animals, using real world examples.
- BIO.3B.1 Demonstrate Mendel’s law of dominance and segregation using mathematics to predict phenotypic and genotypic ratios by constructing Punnett squares with both homozygous and heterozygous allele pairs.
- BIO.3B.2 Illustrate Mendel’s law of independent assortment using Punnett squares and/or the product rule of probability to analyze monohybrid crosses.
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review Cell as a system Part 1 (The first nine objectives.)
Students: Work on study guides
Review games and challenges will be done as a part of the review.
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review Cell as a system Part 2 (The last nine objectives.)
Students: Work on study guides
Review games and challenges will be done as a part of the review.
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher/Students: Review the do now
Teacher/Students: Review Heredity and Evolution
Students: Work on study guides
Review games and challenges will be done as a part of the review.
Teacher/Students: Review for the exam
Students (1st & 3rd Periods): Third Term Exam
Students (2nd & 4th Periods): Study Guide Part 3
Teacher/Students: Review for the exam
Students (1st & 3rd Periods): Enrichment
Students (2nd & 4th Periods): Third Term Exam
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the previous test
Teacher and students: Vocabulary Review-Genetics
Teacher: PowerPoint Genetics Part 1
Students: Complete the guided video "Genetics"
Teacher: Students will complete Workbook pages 184-185
Students: Complete practice work on monohybrid crosses and Testcrosses
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the do now
Students: Vocabulary-Genetics Part 2
Teacher: PowerPoint Genetics Part 2
Teacher and students: Dihybrid Crosses Worksheet
Teacher and students: Guided Video Genetics Part 2
Teacher: Students will complete Workbook pages 187-188
Students: Introduce Mendelian Genetics and Inheritance
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Review for quiz
Students: Take the quiz
Teacher and Students: Following the quiz, the teacher will discuss Non-Mendelian Genetics and Genetic Diseases
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review Genetics
Teacher and students: Review for test on Friday (various reveiw games)
Students: Review some of the questions on the study guide
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review the students for test
Students: TEST
Students: Complete mitosis project after the test
Student Holiday
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the previous test
Teacher and students: Vocabulary Review-Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Part 1
Teacher and students: Review previous test
Teacher: Photosynthesis review 4.2
Students: Continue to work on Mitosis Project
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Vocabulary Review-Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Part 2
Teacher: Review Cellular Respiration
Students: Fermentation Lab
Students: Continue to work on projects
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Introduce Mendelian Genetics
Teacher and students: Review for test on Friday
Students: Study Guide/Complete Interactive Notebook Activity
Students: Continue work on Mitosis Project
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review the students for test
Students: TEST
Students: Complete mitosis project after the test
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the previous test
Students: Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Teacher: Mitosis Project Explanation
Students: Work on Mitosis Project Part 1
Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Mitosis
Students: Work on Mitosis Project Part 2
Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the do now
Teacher and students: Checkpoints of the cell cycle
Students: Continue to work in student review guide
Students: Guided video discussion-meiosis
Teacher: Compare mitosis with meiosis
Students: Closure
Students: Complete the do now
Teachers and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Macromolecules connection
Students: Review for test on Friday
Students: Complete Mitosis Project
Students: Closure
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review the students for test
Students: test
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher: Review the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the previous test
Students: Work on cell projects
Teacher: Review Sections 4.2 and 4.3
Teacher and students: Review for the quiz on Wednesday
Students: Review vocabulary
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and Students: Review the do now
Teacher and students: Review vocabulary (Vocabulary bingo)
Teacher and students: Review for the quiz
Students: Take the quiz
Students: Following the quiz, students will complete enrichment.
Teacher: Discuss fermentation and the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis
Students: Complete the do now
Teachers and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Engage the students in a lesson on the cell cycle and cell division
Students: Complete guided notes via PowerPoint
Students: Complete Interactive Notebook Activity-Mitosis and the cell cycle
Students: Closure
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review the do now
Teacher: Review the students for quiz
Students: Cake cell quiz on cell organelles (students must design their own 3D plant or animal cell and identify the cell organelle based on the function that is presented to them).
BIO.1A-Students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of life and biological organization.
BIO.1A.1-Develop criteria to differentiate between living and non-living things.
BIO.1A.2-Describe the tenets of cell theory and the contributions of Schwann, Hooke, Schleiden, and Virchow.
BIO.1A.3-Using specific examples, explain how cells can be organized into complex tissues, organs, and organ systems in multicellular organisms.
BIO.1A.4-Use evidence from current scientific literature to support whether a virus is living or non-living.
BIO.1B.1-Develop and use models to compare and contrast the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids. proteins, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
Students: Complete the do now
Teacher and students: Review Characteristics of Life
Students: Complete Characteristics of Life on p. 7
Teacher and students: Review the cell theory and its relationship to the characteristics of life
Teacher and students: Discuss the components of life
Students: Complete pp. 11, 14, 15
Students: Complete "Life-the Final Frontier" A Case Study on the Characteristics of Life
Students: Review prefixes
Closure: Students annotate Biomolecules and Macromolecules on p. 10
Students: Complete the do now
Students: Comprehensive Review Week 1 Part 1
Teacher: Continue with discussion of components of life
Students: Complete pp. 19, 21, 22
Teacher and students: Review practice questions
Students: Macromolecules boxing activity
Students: Review prefixes
Closure: Students annotate Complex Carbohydrates pp. 13-14
Students: Complete the do now
Students: Comprehensive Review Week 1 Part 2
Students: Vocabulary Review
Teacher: Teach Components of Life-Enzymes
Students: Interactive Notebook Activity
Students: Complete Macromolecules Worksheet
Teacher: Review state practice test
Students: Review prefixes
Closure: Students annotate "Enzymes and Activation Energy" p. 23
Students: Complete the do now
Students: Comprehensive Review Week 1 Part 3
Teacher and students: Review for quiz on Friday
Students: Vocabulary Review
Teacher: Teach Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Students: Complete Macromolecule Concept Map
Teacher: Review state practice test
Students: Review prefixes
Closure: Students annotate "Distinguishing between plant and animal cells" pp. 52-53
Students: Complete the do now
Students: Comprehensive Review Week 1 Part 4
Students: Vocabulary Review
Students: Complete quiz
Teacher: Teach Viruses
Students: Complete Virus Worksheet
Teacher: Review state practice test
Students: Review prefixes
Closure: Students annotate "Viruses" pp. 59-62
Introduction to Biology Lesson Plans
FB.6 Students will understand the interdependence of living organisms and their environment
FB.6.1 Compare and contrast biotic and abiotic factors.
FB.6.2 Use models to analyze the cycling of matter in an ecosystem (e.g., water, carbon dioxide/oxygen, nitrogen).
BIO.5.3 Analyze and interpret quantitative data to construct an explanation for the effects of greenhouse gases on the carbon dioxide cycle and global climate.
FB.5.2 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that different types of fossils provide evidence of the diversity of life that has existed on Earth and of the relationships between past and existing life on Earth.
FB.5.3 Obtain and communicate information to explain how DNA evidence and fossil records support Darwin’s theory of evolution.
FB.5.4 Investigate how biological adaptations and genetic variations of traits in a population enchance the probability of survival in an environment (natural selection).
BIO.4.1 Use model to differentiate between organic and chemical evolution, illustrating the steps leading to aerobic Heterotrophs and photosynthetic autotrophs.
BIO.4.2 Evaluate empirical evidence of common ancestry and biological evolution, including comparative anatomy, fossil record, molecular/biochemical similarities.
BIO.4.3 Construct Cladograms/Phylogenetic trees to illustrate relatedness between species.
BIO.4.4 Design models and use simulations to investigate the interaction between changing environments and genetic variation in natural selection leading to adaptation in populations and differential success of populations.
BIO.4.5 Use Darwin’s Theory to explain how genetic variation, competition, overproduction, and unequal reproductive success acts as driving forces of natural selection and evolution.
BIO.4.6 Construct explanations for the mechanisms of speciation.
Cladograms activity
Review for test
Introduction to Biology Lesson Plans
Week 3: August 20-24, 2018
F.B. 2.4 Analyze and interpret data to classify common solutions as acids, bases, or neutral. Communicate the importance of pH in living systems.
F.B.2.6 Explain the role of major biomolecules including enzymes, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids to the survival of living organisms.
Monday, August 20, 2018
The student will complete warm-up/review
The teacher will give lecture/notes on the following:
- pH scale
- Acids, Bases, Neutral, Buffers
The students will complete handout on Marvelous Water Molecule
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
The student will complete warm-up/review
The teacher will give lecture/notes on the following:
- Vocabulary moment
- organic compounds
The students will complete handout on lesson
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The student will complete warm-up/review
Vocabulary Quiz
The teacher will give lecture/notes on the following:
- Organic compounds (cont.)
The students will complete handout on organic compounds cut-out
Thursday, August 23, 2018
The student will complete warm-up/review
The teacher will give lecture/notes on the following:
- Review
- Drill and practice
The students will complete handout on lesson
Friday, August 24, 2018
The student will complete warm-up/review
The student will have a written assessment
Handout on next lesson
Student: Complete the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review the Do Now
Teacher and Students: "Vocabulary Minute"
Teacher and Students: TTW do an anticipatory activity to introduce the lesson followed by a Powerpoint presentation; the students will complete their guided notes (Slides 1-10)
Teacher: Model "Building Atoms from the Periodic Table
Students: Model the activity presented. Next the students will work with an assigned partner to complete the building atoms activity with a partner.
Teacher and Students: Guided Practice-Bohr Model and Lewis Dot Diagrams
Students: Independent Practice-Complete the Bohr Model and Lewis Dot Diagram Worksheet
Teacher and Students: Closure
Student: Complete the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review the Do Now
Teacher and Students: "Vocabulary Minute"
Teacher and Students: TTW continue with Powerpoint presentation; the students will complete their
guided notes for Slides 11-14
Teacher and Students: TTW continue with Powerpoint presentation; the students will complete their
guided notes for Acids and Bases
Teacher and Students: Guided Practice-Acid and Bases Worksheet
Students: Independent Practice-Complete the Ionic vs Covalent Bonds Worksheet
Teacher and Students: Review for quiz on tomorrow
Student: Complete the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review the Do Now
Students: Take a quiz
Teacher and Students: Following the quiz, TTW do an anticipatory activity to introduce the lesson followed by a Powerpoint presentation; the students will complete their guided notes Properties of Water
Teacher: Review and model Water Properties Lab
Students: Conduct Water Properties Lab
Teacher and Students: Closure
Student: Complete the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review the Do Now
Teacher and Students: "Vocabulary Minute"
Teacher and Students: TTW do an anticipatory activity to introduce the lesson followed by a Powerpoint presentation; the students will complete their guided notes during the lesson
Teacher: Model "Building Atoms from the Periodic Table
Students: Model the activity presented. Next the students will work with an assigned partner to complete the building atoms activity with a partner.
Teacher and Students: Guided Practice-Bohr Model and Lewis Dot Diagrams
Students: Independent Practice-Complete the Bohr Model and Lewis Dot Diagram Worksheet
Teacher and Students: Review for the test tomorrow
Student: Complete the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review the Do Now
Teacher and Students: Review for the test
Students: Complete the test
Students: After the test, students will continue work on vocabulary
Students: If time permits, students will complete a reading activity on macromolecules
Monday, April 23, 2018
Warm up (Do Now)
Students will review laboratory procedures
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Warm up (Do Now)
Students will perform water properties activities in laboratory
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Warm up (Do Now)
Students will perform water properties activities in laboratory continued
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Warm up (Do Now)
Prepare lab reports
Friday, April 27, 2018
Warm up (Do Now)
Finish lab reports
Student assessments
Monday, April 16, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Test according to schedule
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Test according to schedule
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Science Video with questions
Friday, April 20, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Science Video with questions
Monday, April 9, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Friday, April 13, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Student Asessment
Monday, April 2, 2018
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Friday, April 6, 2018
Warm up (Do Now) on previous lessons
Drill and practice for Biology I State Test
Student Asessment
Monday, March 26, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Define mutations and describe the different types of mutations
Describe the effects mutations can have on genes.
H.W. SATP 2 book -- assigned pages
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Identify the types of human chromosomes in a karyotype
Describe the patterns of the inheritance of human traits
Explain how pedigrees are used to study human traits
H.W. SATP 2 book -- assigned pages
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Summarize the problems caused by nondisjunction
Explain the purpose of selective breeding.
H.W. SATP 2 book -- assigned pages
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Explain the purpose of selective breeding
Define transgenetic and describe the usefulness of some transgenic organisms to humans
H.W. SATP 2 book -- assigned pages
Friday, March 30, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Test: Written assessment on previous lessons
Summarize the process of DNA fingerprinting and explain its uses
Monday, March 19, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Describe the role of bacteriophages in identifying genetic material
Identify the role of DNA
Video clip: Ameoba Sisters: DNA
H.W. Complete Spring Break packet (highlights key areas for the Biology I State Test)
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Identify the chemical components of DNA
Describe the steps leading to the development of the double-helix model of DNA
Check and Review Spring Break packet (highlights key areas for the Biology I State Test)
H.W. Complete handout
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Summarize the events of DNA replication
Compare DNA replication in prokaryotes with that of eukaryotes.
Review Spring Break packet (highlights key areas for the Biology I State Test)
Quiz on DNA vocabulary
H.W. Complete handout
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Contrast RNA and DNA
Explain the transcription process
Identify the genetic code and explain how it is read
Summarize the process of translation.
Describe the "central dogma" of molecular biology
Drill and practice previous lessons for test on Friday.
H.W. Complete SATP2 assignment pages
Friday, March 23, 2018
Do Now (WarmUp) from previous lessons
Test: Written assessment on DNA & RNA
Quick review of codominance and incomplete dominance genetic word problems using Punnett squares
H.W. Read next topic on SATP 2 book
Monday, March 12, 2018
H.W. Review materials from previous lessons
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
H.W. Review materials from previous lessons
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
H.W. Review materials from previous lessons
Thursday, March 15, 2018
H.W. Review materials from previous lessons
Friday, March 16, 2018
H.W. Review materials from previous lessons
Monday, March 5, 2018
Do Now: WarmUp on the Previous lesson
Describe Mendel's studies and conclusions about inheritance.
Describe what happens during segregation.
Makeup work
Review for 9 weeks test
H.W. Section 10 SATP 2
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Do Now: WarmUp on the Previous lesson
Explain how geneticists use the principles of probability to make Punnett squares.
Explain the principle of independent assortment
Explain how Mendel's principles apply to all organisms
Makeup work
Review for 9 weeks test
H.W. Section 10 SATP 2
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Do Now: WarmUp on the Previous lesson
Describe the other inheritance patterns
Explain the relationship between genes and the environment
Makeup work
Review for 9 weeks test
H.W. Section 10 SATP 2
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Makeup work
Review for 9 weeks test/ 9 weeks test (according to schedule)
H.W. Read and do practice questions on Section 11
Friday, March 9, 2018
Makeup work
Review for 9 weeks test/ 9 weeks test (according to schedule)
H.W. Read and do practice questions on Section 11
Monday, February 19, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Explain how unicellular organisms maintain homeostasis
Explain how multicellular organisms maintain homeostasis
SATP 2 Section 7.1 and Section 7 Review
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Check H.w.
Quiz on previous lesson
Cellular respiration
SATP 2 Section 8.1
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Vocabulary review game (Headbanz)
Team challenge on various concepts simulated as a game show
Complete study guide
SATP 2 Section 8.2
Friday, February 23, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Test: Written Assessment
Monday, February 12, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
State the cell theory
Describe how the different types of microscope work
Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Describe the structure and function of the cell nucleus
Describe the role of vacuoles, lysosomes, and the cytoskeleton
Identify the role of ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus in making proteins
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Quiz on previous lessons
Describe the function of the chloroplasts and mitochondria in the cell
Describe the function of the cell membrane
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Describe passive transport
Describe active transport
Study guide on previous lesson
Friday February 16, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Test: Written Assessment
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Macromolecules: specialize proteins
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
More on enzymes
Review previous lesson
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Quiz on previous lessons
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Complete study guide
SATP 2 Section 5 Review
Friday, February 9, 2018
Test: Written assessment on previous lessons
Topics/ Objectives:
Describe the unique qualities of carbon
SATP 2 Section 5.1
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Topics/ Objectives:
Describe the structures and functions of each macromolecules
SATP 2 Section 5.2
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Quiz on previous lessons
Topics/ Objectives:
Describe the structures and functions of each macromolecules
SATP 2 Section 5.3
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Topics/ Objectives:
Describe the structures and functions of each macromolecules
SATP 2 Section 5.4
Complete study guide for test on Friday
Friday, February 2, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lesson
Test: Written assessment on previous lesson
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.
Explain how all of the isotopes of an element are similar and how they are different
Explain how compounds are different from their component elements.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Describe the two main types of chemical bonds.
Discuss the unique properties of water.
Differentiate between solutions and suspensions.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Quiz on previous lessons
Explain what acidic solutions and basic solutions are
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Describe the unique qualities of carbon
Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules
Friday, January 26, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Test: Written assessment on previous lesson
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
State the goals of science
Describe the steps used in scientific methodology
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Explain what a scientific theory is
Use real-world examples
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Do Now: Warm up on previous lessons
Quiz on previous lessons
List the characteristics on living things
Thursday, January 18, 2018
The students will design an experiment following the steps of the scientific method
Complete study guide on previous lessons
Friday, January 19, 2018
Test: Written assessment on previous lessons
SATP 2 section 4
Friday, January 5, 2018
The teacher will give an introduction to biology
The students will complete data sheets
The students read through their course syllabus
Monday, January 8, 2018
Topics covered:
Laboratory Safety Equipment
Laboratory Safety Rules
Laboratory Safety Symbols
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Topics covered:
Review on Safety equipment, rules, symbols
Parts of the microscope
Drill and Practice the microscope
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Quiz on previous lesson
Review microscope
Practice Magnification problems
Scientific Method
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Review previous lesson
Study guide on previous lessons
Continue scientific method
Friday, January 12, 2018
Test--Written assessment on Laboratory and Microscope
Handout on the scientific method
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
The students will take final exam based on the exam schedule on all concepts of the MS standards for introduction to biology
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
The students will take final exam based on the exam schedule on all concepts of the MS standards for introduction to biology
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
The students will make-up final exam based on the exam schedule on all concepts of the MS standards for introduction to biology
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
The students will complete warm-up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will discuss biogeochemical cycle lessons
The students completed biogeochemical cycle handout
The students will review and prepare for assessment
H. W. Student for assessment on Tuesday
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The students will complete warm-up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will complete assessment on ecology
The students will complete assignment in textbook after test
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
The students will complete warm-up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will work on student guide for final exam
The students will complete makeup work
H.W. Student for final exam
Thursday, December 14, 2017
The students will complete warm-up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will work on student guide for final exam
The students will complete makeup work
H.W. Student for final exam
Friday, December 15, 2017
The students will complete warm-up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will work on student guide for final exam
The students will complete makeup work
H.W. Student for final exam
Monday, December 4, 2017
The students will complete warm up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The teacher will discuss an anticipatory set on the new lesson
The students will discuss energy flow in ecosystems
H. W. Student class notes
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
The students will complete warm up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The teacher will discuss interrelationships of organisms
The students will complete ecology handout energy flow
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The students will complete warm up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The teacher will discuss role of organisms while comparing and contrasting their niches
The students will work on an ecological pyramid project
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The students will complete warm up activity, Bell Ringer on the previous lesson
The students will review lessons on ecology concepts
The students will complete their ecological pyramid project for display
Friday, December 8, 2017
Lessons are postponed due to snow day weather
Monday, Nov. 13, 2017
The students will complete warm-up Bell Ringer
The teacher will discuss the 3 kingdoms on the characteristics of the six kingdoms
The students will complete the handout on six kingdoms
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017
The students will complete warm-up Bell Ringer
The teacher will discuss the 3 kingdoms on the characteristics of the six kingdoms
The students will complete the second half on the handout on the six kingdoms
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017
The students will complete warm-up Bell Ringer
The teacher will discuss levels of hierarchal level of organization
The students will complete handout on hierarchal level of organization
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017
The students will complete warm-up Bell Ringer
The teacher will discuss body plans (body symmetry)
The students will complete exercises on body symmetry
H. W. Study for assessment on Friday
Friday, Nov. 17, 2017
The students will complete warm-up Bell Ringer
The students will complete assessment
The students will begin next lesson
6. Demonstrate an understanding of principles that explain the diversity of life and biological evolution.
a. Draw conclusions about how organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities that reflect their evolutionary relationships. (DOK 2) Characteristics of the six kingdoms Major levels in the hierarchy of taxa (e.g., kingdom, phylum/division, class, order, family, genus, and species) Body plans (symmetry)
Monday, November 27, 2017
The students will review on previous lessons
The students discussed and wrote notes on animal body symmetry
3. Investigate and evaluate the interaction between living organisms and their environment. a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the world’s major biomes (e.g., deserts, tundra, taiga, grassland, temperate forest, tropical rainforest). (DOK 2) Plant and animal species Climate (temperature and rainfall) Adaptations of organisms
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The students began notes on Chapter 4 Land Biomes
The teacher will present an anticipatory set for the two types of successions
The students will compare and contrast primary succession and secondary succession
HW: Complete Biomes labeling handout
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The students will quiz on previous concepts and parts of chapter 4
The students will discuss energy flow in Chapter 3
The students will discuss the ecological relationships
HW: Complete energy pyramid handout
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The students will drill concepts on chemical cycles in the environment
The students will review and drill concepts on ecology
The students will complete study guide
H.W. Study guide on ecology
Friday, December 1, 2017
The students will complete a formal written assessment on ecology and previous concepts
The students will prepare for final exam
Monday, November 6, 2017
Overview of Genetic Engineering
- Explain the purpose of selective breeding
- Describe the importance of recombinant DNA
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
- Finish Genetic Engineering
- Summarize the process of DNA fingerprinting and explain its uses
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
- Benchmark Quiz--evaluating and analyzing areas of weakness
- Heredity Review
- Chapter 15 Review
Thursday, November 9, 2017
- State Charles Darwin's contribution to science
- Describe the three patterns of biodiversity noted by Darwin
- Identify the conclusions drawn by Hutton and Lyell about Earth's history
- Describe Lamarck's hypothesis of evolution.
- Describe Malthus's view of population growth.
- Explain the role of inherited variation in artificial selection.
Friday, November 10, 2017
- Review previous lessons
- Comprehensive Exam
- Pass out the Evolution Packets - Practice questions, Activities, and Vocabulary
- Work in groups to complete activities.
Monday, Oct. 9, 2017
Bellringer on SATP 2 questions
Review on Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
Punnett square practice
Video clip on finding the probability of Blood Types of individuals and their offspring.
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017
Student Holiday
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017
Bellringer on review SATP 2 questions
Notes on Chapter 12 DNA
Workbook A Pages on Chapter 12 DNA
Chapter 12 Reading & Vocabulary
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017
Review Blood Types Handout
Practice finding the probability of blood types handout
Finish Chapter 12 handout
Friday, Oct. 13, 2013
Bellringer on SATP 2 questions
Test on Chapter 12 Vocabulary
Practicing DNA Replication Handout
Closure-- DNA Review
Bellwork -- Review previous lessons using SATP 2 format
Students will review previous lessons and work on areas of weakness
Students will work on Midterm Study Guide, Section 1
Teacher will show video clips (i.e. amoeba sisters, water properties, including osmosis)
Closure-- Jeopardy Game
Bellwork -- Review previous lessons using SATP 2 format
Students complete vocabulary handout on previous chapters
Closure: Students will work on Midterm Study Guide, Section 2
H.W. complete section 2 on study guide
Bellwork -- Review previous lessons using SATP 2 format
Students will review previous lessons and work on areas of weakness
Students will work on Midterm Study Guide, Section 3
Teacher will show video clips (i.e. Monohybrid crosses, organelles)
Closure-- Paddle Review game
Bellwork -- Review previous lessons using SATP 2 format
Students will follow exam schedule
Students will make up missing assignments (if not testing)
Closure-- Jeopardy Game Review (if not testing)
Bellwork -- Review previous lessons using SATP 2 format
Students will follow exam schedule
Students will make up missing assignments (if not testing)
Closure-- Jeopardy Game Review (if not testing)
H. W. Read next lesson for new 9 weeks
- Chapter 1--Scientific Method
- Notes on the Scientific Method
- Handout on Lab Safety Rule
- Lab Equipment
- Lab Techniques
- Lab on Exploring the Scientific Method
- Be sure to dress appropriately during lab activities
- Work on design your own experiment
- Characteristics of Life
- Characteristics of Life Notes
- Characteristics of Life Handout
- Review Scientific Method and Characteristics of Life
- Complete review handout on Scientific Method
- Complete the Characteristics of Life Handout
- Testing
- Test #2 Scientific Method and the Characteristics of Life
- Pre-Evaluation
- Homework:
- Turn in Parent Signature Page
- Handout on Scientific Method Practice
- More Scientific Method Practice
- Chapter 1 Vocabulary Review
- Characteristics of Life
- Design Your Own Experiment--Due Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Monday, January 20, 2017
- Atoms
---subatomic particles
- Chemical Bonding
- Water Properties
Tuesday, January 21, 2017
- Laboratory Day
---Microscope Lab
---Water Properties
Wednesday, January 22, 2017
- Chapter Review
- Macromolecules
- Test Review
Thursday, January 24, 2017
- Macromolecule Lab/Demonstration
- Review
Friday, January 25, 2017
- Test #4 Chapter 2
- describe the role of ATP in cellular activities
- explain where plants get the food they need to produce food
- webquest using an internet search
- state the overall equation of photosynthesis
- explain the role of light and pigments in photosynthesis
- identify the factors that affect the rate of which photosynthesis occur
- explain where organisms get the energy they need for life processes
- define cellular respiration
- compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration
- describe what happens during glycolysis and the Kreb cycle
- how much ATP cellular respiration generates
- explain how organisms get energy in absence of oxygen
- identify the pathways the body uses to release energy during exercise
- review and practice all concepts
- have a comprehensive exam on the previous lessons
- turn in SATP 2 H.W. assignments
- Main events in the cell cycle and cell mitosis (including differences in plant and animal cell divisions)
- Binary fission (e.g. budding, vegetative propagation, etc.)
- Significance of meiosis in sexual reproduction
- Significance of crossing over
- Explain the problems that growth causes for cells
- Compare asexual and sexual reproduction
- Chromosomes
- The Cell Cycle
- Mitosis
- Cytokinesis
- Controls on Cell Division
- Cancer: Uncontrolled growth
- Articles on Cancer
- From One cell to many
- Stem cells and development
- Frontiers in Stem Cell Research
- explain the problems that growth causes for cells.
- compare asexual and sexual reproduction.
- describe the role of chromosomes in cell division
- name the events of the cell cycle
- describe what happens during the four phases of mitosis
- describe the process of cytokinesis
- describe how the cell cycle is regulated
- explain how cancer cells are different from other cells
- describe the process of differentiation.
- define stem cells and explain their importance
- identify the possible benefits and issues relating to stem cell research
- describe Mendel's studies and conclusions about inheritance.
- describe what happens during segregation.
- explain how geneticists use the principles of probability to make Punnett squares.
- explain the principle of independent assortment.
- explain how Mendel's principles apply to all organisms.
- describe the other inheritance patterns.
- explain the relationship between genes and the environment.
- Makeup work
- Take Midterm exam based on the exam schedule
- Take Midterm exam based on the exam schedule
- summarize the process of bacterial transformation.
- describe the role of bacteriophages in identifying genetic material.
- identify the role of DNA in heredity.
- identify the chemical components of DNA.
- discuss the experiments leading to the identification of DNA as the molecule that carries the genetic code.
- describe the steps leading to the development of the double-helix model of DNA
- summarize the events of DNA replication.
- compare DNA replication in prokaryotes with that of eukaryotes.
- research on chosen genetic disorder using ChromeBooks
- research on chosen genetic disorder using ChromeBooks
- define mutations and describe the different types of mutations
- describe the effects mutations have on genes
- Students have will present their research on selected genetic disorders via PowerPoint or Storyboard for a project grade
- Contrast RNA and DNA
- Explain the process of transcription
- identifying the genetic code and explain how it is read
- summarize the process of translation
- describe the central Dogma of molecular biology
- define mutations and describe the different types of DNA
- describe the effect mutations have on genes
- identify the types of human chromosomes in a karyotype
- describe the patterns of the inheritance of human traits
- Create a Baby Lab
- Exit Ticket: State Practice
- explain how pedigrees are used to study human traits
- summarize the problems caused by nondisjunction
- The Genetics of Blood disorders Handout
- state the goals of the Human Genome Project and explain what we have learned so far
- Exit Ticket: State Practice
H.W. SATP 2, pages 264-268
- The students will
- summarize the methods of DNA analysis
- DNA Extraction Lab--seeing real human DNA
- Exit Ticket: State Practice
- Turn in SATP 2 homework assignments
- H.W. Handout on Genetics- X-Linked Genes
- explain the purpose of selective breeding
- explain how people increase genetic variation
- explain how scientists manipulate DNA
- describe the importance of recombinant DNA
- define transgenic and describe the usefulness of some humans
- Exit Ticket: State Practice
- Pedigree Worksheet
- summarize the process of human fingerprinting
- --Virtual lab on Gel Electrophoresis
- Assessment on Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 part 1
Introduction to Biology
- Hybrid Schedule
- BHS will no longer provide paper packets. If you have not picked up your BSD Chromebook, you may do so Monday-Friday 7:30-3:30. See BHS website for more details.
- Free Wifi Hotspots