Tentative Dates and Times for Spring Events - SUBJECT TO CHANGE

April 14th Prom
Senior Exams
  • May 15th  1st and 3rd
  • May 16th 2nd and 4th
  • May 17th and 18th Makeups
Reg Exams - all exams given at 8 am 
  • May 17th - 1st
  • May 18th-2nd
  • May 19th - 4th
  • May 22nd - 3rd
  • May 23rd Makeups 60% day
May 11th Awards night  6pm
May 12th Sr Awards day - 10 am
May 18th Graduation Practice - 5 pm
May 19th Graduation - Seniors arrive at 5 pm - Ceremony at 7 pm