World Literature / English II Rules and Requirements
World Literature / English II - Rules and Requirements
- Be on time and prepared for class.
- Be attentive and on task.
- Be polite and considerate.
- Be quiet and seated until receiving permission to speak or get up.
- Do NOT eat or drink in class except for grab-and-go lunch.
- Do NOT throw anything.
- Do NOT bring a cell phone or any type of electronic device to class.
- Do NOT comb/brush hair nor apply makeup, lotion, nor perfume/cologne in class.
- Do NOT put your feet in the chairs nor lean back in the desks.
- Do NOT write on the desks, walls, or floors.
- Do NOT touch the blinds or windows.
- Do NOT be disruptive or distracting in any way.
*All rules listed in the handbook apply to class.
Consequences: **Severe disruptions or disrespect will result in immediate office referral**
- Verbal warning
- Physical movement (another desk, conference in hallway)
- Parent contact and written notice placed in student’s record
- Office referral
Supply list
- Three-ring binder (two inch) with dividers (five)
- Paper
- Pencil or pen (blue or black ink only)
- Index cards
- Highlighters
Course work
The following activities comprise World Literature / English II:
Quizzes – announced and unannounced
Classwork – individual and group
Weekly vocabulary quizzes
Writing - paragraphs and essays
Textbook, novel, informational readings
Presentations / Projects
Make-up work
- Students are responsible for making up work in a timely manner due to absences. Students
have the number of days absent to make up missed assignments. Pre-announced tests will be
taken upon return to class, provided no new information was covered during the absence.
2.Students will not be allowed to make up work they chose not to do when the assignment was first made.
3. Ten points per day will be deducted for assignments turned in late; work will not be
accepted more than two days late.
Extra credit
All students are given several opportunities to earn extra credit during each nine weeks. All students receive the same opportunities.
State test
Students will take the MAAP assessment as a graduation requirement. The test will be administered in the spring (March-April). It will consist of multiple choice items and a writing component.
- Behave in a way to promote learning and good will among your classmates.
- Regularly attend class and actively participate.
- Complete all assignments to the best of your ability.
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