World Literature Lesson Plans
Week 18 (3 days) - Jan. 18-20, 2021 - See English II lesson plans for Jan. 21-22, 2021
Return to traditional schedule
Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday - no school
Tuesday - Exam make-up day for traditional in-person students
Wednesday - At-home Wednesday; exam make-up day for virtual students
*Plans are subject to change.*
Week 17 - Jan. 11-15, 2021
Exam Week - Hybrid Schedule; Wednesday - all students at-home learning virtually
Exam schedule:
Tuesday - B-day students - 1st and 3rd blocks; A-day students - 1st and 3rd blocks to be taken virtually; must be submitted by 3:30 (90-minute time limit)
Wednesday - Virtual students - 1st and 3rd blocks must be completed by 3:30 (90-minute time limit)
Thursday - A-day students - 2nd and 4th blocks at 8:00 and 9:40
Friday - B-day students - 2nd and 4th blocks at 8:00 and 9:40
- Virtual students - 2nd and 4th blocks must be completed by 3:30 (90-minute time limit)
*Plans are subject to change.*
Week 16 - Jan. 4 - 8, 2021
Hybrid Schedule; Wednesday - all students at-home learning virtually
*Be sure to do the daily attendance check.*
***Zoom meetings during 1st, 3rd, and 4th blocks.*** You may join any of them. Meeting id - 862 5752 4814; Passcode ET5Y2J
Monday - Bell ringer - Simple Sentences
- Vocabulary Lesson Fourteen - copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms
- A Christmas Carol - PEEL Writing Assignment - go over notes and example; assignment is in Google Classroom
- Figurative Language examples for writing assignment
- analyze "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" if time allows
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- A Christmas Carol - PEEL Writing Assignment - go over notes and example; assignment is in Google Classroom
- Figurative Language examples for writing assignment
Wednesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 2
- A Christmas Carol - Figurative Language examples to use in writing assignment; assignment is in Google Classroom
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 3; all activities due on the ANSWER SHEET
- A Christmas Carol - work on writing assignment in Google Classroom
Friday - Bell ringer - due today
- Vocabulary Fourteen Quiz
- A Christmas Carol - complete and submit writing assignment in Google Classroom
***Zoom meetings during 1st, 3rd, and 4th blocks.*** You may join any of them. Meeting id - 862 5752 4814; Passcode ET5Y2J
Plans are subject to change.
Week Fifteen - Dec. 14 - 18, 2020
***Zoom meetings during 1st, 3rd, and 4th blocks.*** You may join any of them. Meeting id - 862 5752 4814; Passcode ET5Y2J
Monday - Bell ringer - Independent Clauses
- Vocabulary Lesson Thirteen - copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 5
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
- begin watching the movie (in class)
- analyze "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" if time allows
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- A Christmas Carol - finish reading Stave 5
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
- begin watching the movie (in class)
Wednesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 2
- A Christmas Carol Stave 5 guided reading questions due today
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 3; all activities due today on the ANSWER SHEET
- A Christmas Carol - finish watching the movie (in class)
Friday - Bell ringer - due today
- Vocabulary Thirteen Quiz
- A Christmas Carol - finish watching the movie (in class)
***Zoom meetings during 1st, 3rd, and 4th blocks.*** You may join any of them. Meeting id - 862 5752 4814; Passcode ET5Y2J
Plans are subject to change.
Week Fourteen - Dec. 7- 11, 2020
Hybrid Schedule - Progress Reports
Monday - Bell ringer - Dependent Clauses
- Vocabulary Lesson Twelve - copy words, definitions, synonyms and antonyms
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 3, pages 43-52, stopping at the sentence ending with "...the child will die."
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
- analyze "Sleigh Ride"
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- A Christmas Carol - finish reading Stave 3, pages 52-60 starting at the sentence beginning with "No, no," said Scrooge.
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
- analyze "It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas"
Wednesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 2
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 4, pages 61-67, stopping after the sentence "Ha, ha, ha!"
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 3; all activities due
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 4, pages 67- 73 starting at the sentence beginning "Spirit!" said Scrooge... (Group B students)
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
**NWEA Screener will be administered at school.**
Friday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Twelve Quiz
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 4, pages 67 - 73 starting at the sentence beginning "Spirit!" said Scrooge... (Group A students)
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
- discuss Staves 3 and 4 and review guided reading questions
**NWEA Screener will be administered at school.**
***Zoom meetings during 1st, 3rd, and 4th blocks.***
Plans are subject to change.
Week Thirteen - Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2020
Hybrid Schedule:
Last names beginning with A-K attend school Monday and Thursday
Last names beginning with L-Z attend school Tuesday and Friday
All students attend virtually Wednesday (at home)
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is
1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday - Bell ringer - Phrases
- Vocabulary Lesson Eleven - copy words, definitions, synonyms and antonyms
- A Christmas Carol - two introductory PowerPoints
- read Stave 1, pages 11-18, stopping at the sentence ending with "blindman's bluff"
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- A Christmas Carol - finish reading Stave, pages 18-26
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
Wednesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 2
- A Christmas Carol - read Stave 2, pages 27-34, stopping after the sentence "Scrooge seemed uneasy..."
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 3; all activities due
- A Christmas Carol - finish reading Stave 2, pages 34-41
- answer the corresponding guided reading questions
Friday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Eleven Quiz
- A Christmas Carol - discuss Staves 1 and 2 and review guided reading questions
Week Twelve - Nov. 16-20, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
**Check Canvas Announcements daily**
Monday – Bell ringer – Pronouns: Shifts in Number and Person
- Vocabulary Lesson 10 – write the words, definitions, synonyms, and
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 143-153; answer study questions #36-44;
vocabulary # 7-8; allusion #3
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Part 1
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 153-158; answer study questions #45-48; vocabulary #9;
allusion #4-5; idiom #15
Wednesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Part 2
- Fahrenheit 451 – all activities due for Part 3; review and study for test
Thursday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Part 3; all vocabulary activities due
- Fahrenheit 451 – Test
Friday – Bell ringer - due
- Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Quiz
Week Eleven - Nov. 9-13, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday - Bell Ringer - Pronouns - Antecedents, Vague Pronouns, and Shifts
- Vocabulary Lesson 9 - copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms
- Fahrenheit 451 - answer study questions #16-22; vocabulary #7; allusions #3-4; paradox #6; read pages 97-106 ;
answer study question #23; vocabulary #8-10; allusion #5; idioms #7-8
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- Fahrenheit 451 - Quiz on Part 2; Part 3- read pages 107-119 ; answer study questions #1-15; vocabulary #1-4; allusion #1-2; paradox/oxymoron #6-7; idiom #12
Wednesday (At-home assignments - counts as attendance)
- Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Parts 2 and 3
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - all activities are due today
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 119-130; answer study questions #16-23; vocabulary #5; paradox #8-9; idiom #13
Friday - Bell ringer - due today
- Vocabulary - quiz 9
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages130-142 ; answer study questions #24-35; vocabulary #6; paradox #10-11; idiom #14
Week Ten - Nov. 2-6, 2020
Monday - Bell Ringer - Pronouns - Relative and Demonstrative
- Vocabulary Lesson 8 - copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 67-76; answer study questions #1-8; vocabulary #1-5; allusion #1
- Review rules for class and students returning to class from at-home learning
Tuesday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Part 1
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 76-89; answer study questions #9-15; vocabulary #6; allusion # 2-4
Wednesday (At-home assignments - count as attendance)
- Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - Parts 2 and 3
Thursday - Bell ringer
- Vocabulary - all activities are due today
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 89-97; answer study questions #16-22; vocabulary #7; paradox #6
Friday - Bell ringer - due today
- Vocabulary - quiz 8
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 98-106; answer study question #23; vocabulary #8-10; allusion #5; idiom #7-8
Week Nine - Oct. 26-30, 2020
*Exam schedule
Thursday - 1st and 3rd blocks
Friday - 2nd and 4th blocks
**Nine weeks' exam reading passages are available in Week Nine's module titled "Americana Texts."**
Monday – Bell ringer – Pronouns: Possessive and Reflexive
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 45 – 53; answer corresponding study questions (#30-36),
vocabulary, and figurative language
Tuesday – Bell ringer
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 53-65; answer corresponding study questions (#37-end),
vocabulary, figurative language, and literary devices
Wednesday – At-home assignments -
- Bell ringer
- Fahrenheit 451 - work on activities - complete vocabulary
Thursday – Bell ringer
- exam - 1st and 3dr blocks
- Fahrenheit 451 – finish study questions and vocabulary
Friday – Bell ringer
- exam - 2nd and 4th blocks
- Fahrenheit 451 – finish figurative language and literary devices
Thursday /Friday - whatever day is not the exam - watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Week Eight - October 19-23, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday – Bell ringer – Pronouns: Subjective and Objective
- Vocabulary Lesson Seven – copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms; Part
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 15-30
Tuesday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary – Part One
- Inference Practice: Where Am I?
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 30-45
Wednesday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary – Part Two
- Examples of PEEL Writing Paragraphs
- Setting Worksheet
- Study questions for Fahrenheit 451
Thursday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Part Three
- PEEL Writing Prompts - Fahrenheit 451
Friday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Quiz 7
- Finish PEEL writing assignment
Week Seven - October 12 - 16, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday – Fall Break
Tuesday – Bell ringer – Interjections and Direct Address
- Vocabulary Lesson Six – copy words, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms; Part One
- "Harrison Bergeron" - finish narrative writing
- Fahrenheit 451 - pre-reading activities; read pages 1-7
Wednesday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary – Part Two
- Characterization Worksheet 1/Find It: Indirect Characterization
- Fahrenheit 451 - read pages 8-15
Thursday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Part Three
- Fahrenheit 451 – complete Vocabulary, Study Questions, Figurative Language, and
Literary Devices pages as you read; read pages 15-30; Explain what the Hound
represents. What are the values of this society based on Clarisse’s description of her
school day?
Friday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Quiz 6
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 30 – 45; describe the setting of the novel (time and place);
what impact does the setting have on the plot and characters?
Week Six - October 5 - 9, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday – Bell ringer – Prepositions
- Vocabulary Lesson Five – study words
- “Burning a Book” – read the poem and answer the questions
Tuesday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary – Part One
- Irony – Irony is just honesty with the volume cranked up. Complete the worksheet.
Wednesday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary – Part Two
- Identifying Irony 3 – complete the worksheet
Thursday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Part Three
- Thinking about Key Topics – complete the graphic organizer
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 1-7; on a sheet of paper explain what is ironic about
what the firemen do; identify what type of irony is used
Friday – Bell ringer
- Vocabulary Quiz 5
- Fahrenheit 451 – Pre-reading terms – define the terms
- Fahrenheit 451 – read pages 8-15; on the same sheet of paper from yesterday where you
wrote about irony, copy the similes Montag uses to make sense of Clarisse; what
do these similes convey about the way she makes Montag feel?
Week Five - September 28 - October 2, 2020
**Please join Remind for all communication for World Literature**
Text to 81010 this code - 1st block - @ff69ec4
- 3rd block - @f2ga2c3
- 4th block - @3h3ghk
**Please join Google classroom for World Literature**
Go to Google classroom; click on the + on the upper right corner to join a class; the class code is 1st block - 5o766sj
3rd block - dveyzlu
4th block - ntly6hd
Monday – Bell ringer – Conjunctions
Vocabulary Quiz 3
Vocabulary Lesson Four – study words
“Harrison Bergeron” - read story and answer sidebar questions; Figurative Language activity
Tuesday – Bell ringer
Literary Terms Test
Vocabulary – Part One
“Harrison Bergeron” - caption activity; discussion question – Based on the story, what is the author, Kurt
Vonnegut saying about improving society by making everyone average? Support your
opinion with evidence from the story.
Wednesday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary – Part Two
“The Pedestrian” – read the story and answer the questions
Thursday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary Part Three
Fahrenheit 451 – Pre-reading Questions
Friday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary Quiz 4
Fahrenheit 451 – Pre-reading activity – Read “I Am Very Real” by Kurt Vonnegut;
answer the questions
Week Four - September 21-25, 2020
Monday – Bell ringer – Adverbs
Vocabulary Lesson Three – study words
“A Sound of Thunder” – Finish answering sidebar questions on text
Tuesday – Bell ringer
Literary Terms Test
Vocabulary – Part One
“A Sound of Thunder” – Skills Practice, Literary Devices Practice
Wednesday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary – Part Two
“A Sound of Thunder” – The Butterfly Effect activity
“Harrison Bergeron” vocabulary
Thursday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary Part Three
“Harrison Bergeron” – read story and answer sidebar questions
Friday – Bell ringer
Vocabulary Quiz 3
Compound Sentences – slideshow pretest, copy notes
“Harrison Bergeron” Caption activity
Week Three - September 14-18, 2020
Bell ringers - Verbs
Vocabulary Lesson Two activities and quiz
Theme development activities
"A Sound of Thunder" - vocabulary, story, questions on side of text
Week Two - September 7-11, 2020
*Monday, Sept. 7 - Labor Day - School closed*
NWEA Screener
Bell ringers - Adjectives
Vocabulary Lesson One Activities Due / Quiz
Literary Terms - continue notes
Week One - August 31-September 4, 2020
Handbook/Class Rules and Procedures/Syllabus
Bell Ringers - Nouns
My Life in Thirty Words
Vocabulary Lesson One Activities
Literary Terms Notes