Virtual/At Home Learning Work & Resources
Link to Canvas Website:
User Name:
First 3 letters of your 1st name + First 3 letters of your last name + lunch number (do not put
Bsd then your birthdate in 2s (022303)
The PDFs containing Week 1 and 2 assignments and login information will remain on this page until the 9 wks is over. I will not be posting any more assignments here, they will all be in Canvas. Once you log in to Canvas, you will be on my home page. Follow instructions below:
1.) Click on each button in the home page (Meet Your Teacher, Virtual Learning Expectations, and Contact Me/Google Drive Access) and read over the information found on each of those pages.
2.) Click on modules and then the module "Introduction to Canvas and Our Class." Click on each item in the module before going to the next: the items are set up so they must be viewed in order before the next one will unlock. If you have already submitted the writing assignment on paper, you do not need to submit it through Canvas. You do need to complete the choice board activity & discussion board.
3.) Click the "At Home Learners" module after completing the discussion board for further directions.
For those needing paper packets:
Click on the appropriate PDF below to view and print your assignments. Instructions for scanning documents using your iPhone or other smartphone are found in the Week 2 assignments packet.
English IV Work and Resources
Week 1:
Click the pdf link below to access your work for week 1 (Aug 31st-Sept 4th).
Week 2:
Click the pdf link below to access your work for week 2 (Sept 8th-Sept 11th).