English III Virtual Learner Lesson Plans
Keep an eye out for upcoming assignments and events:
Independent Digital Novel Project DUE: Wednesday 9/30
LIt Device QUIZ 1: Wed 9/23
TSL ch 1-4 Reading QUIZ: Tues 9/22
TSL ch 5-7 Reading QUIZ: Thurs 9/24
TSL ch 1-7 VOCAB QUIZ Fri 9/2
1760 America QUIZ Mon 2/28
****Students are responsible for checking the website and keeping up with all reading. They WILL BE REQUIRED to take all previously posted TESTS and/or QUIZZES at the assigned time!
ENG II- TEXT @JonesEngII TO 81010
ENG III- TEXT @jonesAmLit TO 81010
When you get a response, text your first name, last initial and class period
(parents, text me your first & last name and your child's name and class period)
*Please notes that the easiest way for parents and students to contact me is through Remind101!

MON: Bellwork
TSL ch 3-4 guided reading and notes
TSL ch 5-7 vocab
TSL ch 1-4 Journal activities
HW- continue working on Novel Projects, complete journal activities, study for ch 1-4 reading QUIZ
TUES: Bellwork
TSL ch 1-4 reading QUIZ
TSL ch 5-7 reading and discussion
HW- continue working on Novel Projects, Study for Lit Devices QUIZ #1 (allegory- flashback)
WED: Bellwork
Lit Devices QUIZ #1
TSL Journal ch 5-7 Qs
HW- continue working on Novel Projects, study for TSL ch 5-7 Reading QUIZ
THURS: Bellwork
TSL ch 5-7 Reading QUIZ
TSL ch 8-10vocab
TSL Journal vocab ch 1-7
HW- Study for TSL ch 1-7 Vocab QUIZ , continue working on Novel Projects
FRI: Bellwork- turn in
HW- Study for 1760 America QUIZ
MON: Bellwork
Complete Literary elements notes and work on Novel Projects
HW- continue working on Novel Projects
TUES: Bellwork
Early American history notes and discussion
TSL ch 1-4 vocab
Puritan Law and Culture article annotation and Qs
HW- continue working on Novel Projects
WED: Bellwork
Begin reading and discussing The Scarlet Letter ch 1-4
Begin working on literary journals ch 1-4
HW- continue working on Novel Projects
THURS: Bellwork
Continue reading and discussing The Scarlet Letter ch 1-4
Continue working on literary journals ch 1-4
HW- Study for Email Etiquette QUIZ, HW- continue working on Novel Projects
FRI: Bellwork- turn in
Finish working on literary journals ch 1-4
HW- Study for TSL ch 1-4 QUIZ
TUES: Bellwork
B DAY Literary Device notes and discussion (to be continued independently)
*Independent study- Continue Literary Device notes, Continue working on Novel Project
WED: Bellwork
A DAY Literary Device notes and discussion (to be continued independently)
*Independent study- Continue Literary Device notes, Continue working on Novel Project
THURS: Bellwork
B DAY Continue Literary Device notes
* Independent study- Complete Literary Device notes Continue working on Novel Project
FRI: Bellwork
A DAY Continue Literary Device notes
* Independent study- Complete Literary Device notes Continue working on Novel Project
MON: Bellwork
A DAY Welcome students/introductory exercises
Cover Handbook
Go over syllabus
* Independent study- Email Etiquette, Digital Novel Journal
TUES: Bellwork
B DAY Welcome students/introductory exercises
Cover Handbook
Go over syllabus .
* Independent study- Digital Novel Journal
WED: Bellwork
A DAY Begin Literary Device notes and discussion
* Independent study- Digital Novel Journal, Literary device notes
THURS: Bellwork
B DAY Discuss and begin "Me in 30 words" assignment (to be finished independently)
Begin Literary Device notes and discussion (to be continued independently)
* Independent study- Digital Novel Journal, Literary device notes
FRI: Bellwork-turn in for a grade
B DAY Continue Literary Device notes and discussion