Week 8 02/24 - 02/28 - Geometry
Monday - Mid segments and Bisectors - Check bell work and homework - The teacher will review mid segments and bisectors of triangles. The students will complete problems in class. We will review those together.
Homework - Complete and questions from classwork.
Tuesday - Review - Check and go over bell work and homework. The students will take a vocabulary quiz. The students will work a review for the test. The teacher will assist as needed. We will go over the answers together.
Homework - Study for Chapter test
Homework - Study for Chapter test
Wednesday - Test - Check and go over bell work. The teacher will provide a quick review for the test. The students will complete the chapter 5 test. After completing the test the students will begin working on the review for the nine weeks exam.
Homework - NONE
Homework - NONE
Thursday - Perimeter and Area - Check and go over bell work. The teacher will work problems with the students on perimeter and area with the students. The students will work problems independently. We will go over these together to check for understanding.
Homework - Workbook pages Practice 1-8
Friday - Circumference and Diameter - Check and go over bell work and homework. The teacher will work problems with the students on circumference and diameter with students. The students will work problems independently. We will go over these together to check for understanding.
Homework - Workbook pages Practice 1-8