Week 10 03/16 - 03/20 - Geometry
Monday - The Polygon Angle Sum Theorems - Check and go over bell work. The teacher will work examples on the board. The students will work problems 8-24 even on page 356. We will go over these together.
Homework - Workbook pages for lesson 6-1
Homework - Workbook pages for lesson 6-1
Tuesday- Properties of Parallelograms - Check and go over bell work and homework. The teacher will work examples on the board. The students will work problems 10 - 30 even on page 364. We will go over these together.
Homework - Workbook pages for Lesson 6-2
Homework - Workbook pages for Lesson 6-2
Wednesday - Proving that a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram and Properties of Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squares - Check and go over bell work and homework. The teacher will work examples on the board. The students will work problems 8-14 even and 24 on page 372 and problems 9-14 on page 379. We will go over these together.
Homework - Workbook pages for Lessons 6-3 and 6-4
Homework - Workbook pages for Lessons 6-3 and 6-4
Thursday - Trapezoids and Kites - Check and go over bell work and homework. The teacher will work examples on the board. The students will work numbers 6-36 even on pages 395 - 395. We will go over this together. Students will also take a vocabulary quiz.
Homework - Workbook pages for 6-6
Homework - Workbook pages for 6-6
Friday - Review - Check and go over bell work and homework. Students will work on review for chapter 6 test. Students may work in groups or independently. Teacher will assist as needed. We will go over the review in class.
Homework - Study
Homework - Study