Algebra 2 - Week 1 For Virtual Learners
For Google Docs - make a copy, edit the copy you made, and then submit back by email. :)
All other pages - you can print them, work on the paper, and scan back to my email. If you have software on your computer that allows you to edit documents online then you are certainly allowed to do that.
All assignments should be submitted to Mrs. Killen at [email protected]
Make sure you are putting your name and the name of the assignment in the subject of each email.
Watch the videos provided and use Khan Academy if you need additional help.
You do not have to submit an assignment each day. Remember with the Hybrid students I am teaching one day and they begin their assignment in class and finish it the day they are at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions your may have.
Make sure you have joined my Remind by texting @jesskillen to 81010. This is quickest way for me to respond to your questions. I will answer emails as time permits.
I will check each submitted assignment and send you corrections with notes when needed.
REMEMBER.... Patience and Grace.... Just Breath! TOGETHER WE WILL!!!!
Do not add additional stress to your life because of my class. We will get through this together! This a learning curve for us all. :)