Geometry - Week 1 - Virtual Learning
This material is to be completed over a two week period. After completing each worksheet please email it to me at [email protected]
Day 1
handout (Links to an external site.)
handout answers (Links to an external site.)
interactive lesson (Links to an external site.)
Class Code: SGV9PZ
Day 2
students will review distribution, simplifying variable expressions, and copy vocab; if time allows, will begin equations
distributive property and simplifying variable expressions
handout (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)handout answers (Links to an external site.)
video (Links to an external site.)
handout (Links to an external site.)
handout answers (Links to an external site.)
video lesson (Links to an external site.)
Variable and Verbal Expressions.pdf (Links to an external site.)
Variable and Verbal Expressions.pdf (Links to an external site.)
study vocab
Day 3
equations and word problems; if time allows we will begin ratio and proportion review
equations and word problems notes
solving equations-2
Video Link (Links to an external site.)
Video Link (Links to an external site.)
Day 4
Ratios and proportions
ratios notes and worksheet.pdf
ratios notes and worksheet answers.pdf
Ratios Link (Links to an external site.)
proportions Link (Links to an external site.)Proportions Link (Links to an external site.)
interactive lesson (Links to an external site.)
Class Code: DCFWDK
Day 5
students will begin ACT prep to distinguish and compare material learned in class and how the ACT will present it in question format