Week 2 - Virtual Learners - Geometry AND Algebra 2

Canvas is up and running! All work will be done in Canvas from this point forward. 
Once you login and find your class you will notice some of the assignments from last week are still there for you to complete. If you completed them last week... DO NOT complete them again. I have your work and have you marked for completion. I will work on getting those assignments marked completed in Canvas for you. 
There is a DAILY attendance quiz. You must open the Quiz for each day and answer the ONE question. This is how I will take attendance per the school district's attendance policy. It has to be done DAILY (only during the week)!!!!
Here is your login information for Canvas:


first 3 letters of first name

first three letters of last name

lunch number




6 digit date of birth


The district will put icons on the websites today for iReady & Canvas.
Make sure you have joined Remind to stay up to date on ALL information. 
Geometry - @jkillen to 81010
Algebra 2- @jesskillen to 81010