Parent Letter
August 27, 2020
Dear Parents,
What an odd start to a school year! If it helps any, we are learning as we go along with you! I will be your Comp Math/Algebra 1 teacher for the 20-21 school year and plan to be as effective as I possibly can in these unique times!
Brookhaven High School uses a block schedule which means that students have 4 classes per day each semester. Classes are allotted approximately 90 minutes each and typically change after we return in January. With Algebra 1 being state tested, BHS added an introductory class the first semester called, Comp Math. This allows more time to prepare for the state test and for teachers to move through the material at a slower pace to increasing opportunities for student understanding. Students usually stay with the same teacher all year unless there is a scheduling problem second semester. As of now, the first week of school, Mississippi Department of Education is still requiring that the state Algebra test be taken in Spring 2021, so we will be working to prepare your student for the state test.
I have been in education for 28 years, and always strive to do my best to help students truly understand the material so that it can be useful to them.
I am excited and a little nervous about this new adventure of hybrid/virtual learning! But, we can do this! If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to ask! If I do not know the answer to your question then I will find someone who does and try to connect you to them. We can do this and in a couple of weeks we can all be pros!!!
Very Sincerely,
Mrs. W. Callender