JROTC » Core Abilities

Core Abilities

Core Abilities describe the broad, life-long skills that every Cadet needs for success in future life and career endeavors. The core abilities are a result of the goals and values that drive the JROTC program and are built upon the program’s four years through integrating various lesson competencies and skills throughout the JROTC curriculum.

With each lesson, the instructors explicitly introduce, teach, reinforce, and assess the core abilities that relate to the core competency being introduced. The core abilities will be displayed prominently in JROTC classrooms so that Cadets will know, recite, and view them as essential components of their lessons.

The JROTC Core Abilities and defining criteria are:

1. Apply critical thinking techniques Criteria
1.1. you use problem-solving skills in academic and/or workplace environments
1.2. you differentiate between fact and opinion
1.3. you make decisions considering alternatives and consequences
1.4. you support viewpoints/arguments with reason and evidence
1.5. you assess feedback from others
1.6. you refine action plans based on the evaluation of feedback
1.7. you view issues from multiple perspectives (local and global)
1.8. you evaluate sources of information you present logical arguments
2. Build your capacity for lifelong learning Criteria
2.1. you assume personal responsibility for learning
2.2. you assess personal learning styles and preferences and apply this knowledge to the learning process
2.3. you initiate formal and informal learning processes to acquire new abilities and insights
2.4. you risk making responsible mistakes as part of the learning process
2.5. you recognize and examine the underlying assumptions of your own beliefs you access available resources for personal and professional growth
3. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques Criteria
3.1. you select appropriate means to convey a message
3.2. you communicate accurately and clearly
3.3. you communicate appropriately and professionally
3.4. you apply appropriate reading strategies
3.5. you check for accuracy
3.6. you speak and write clearly so others can understand
3.7. you ask questions for clarification
3.8. you interpret nonverbal communications
3.9. you use active listening skills you apply standards of spelling, English grammar, and punctuation
4. Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world Criteria
4.1. you recognize your responsibility to personal, social, professional, and educational environments and make informed decisions based on that
4.2. you recognize your role as a consumer and citizen in a democracy
4.3. you demonstrate respect for the rights, views, and work of others
4.4. you adapt to and work effectively with a variety of situations, individuals, or groups you work to resolve conflicts
5. Take responsibility for your actions and choices Criteria
5.1. you apply professional/ethical values to guide actions and decisions
5.2. you follow established policies and procedures
5.3. you complete assignments on time
5.4. you exhibit academic honesty
5.5. you assess the impact of your values on actions and decisions
5.6. you demonstrate dependability you exert a high level of effort and perseverance toward goal attainment
6. Treat self and others with respect Criteria
6.1. you act with a sense of equity
6.2. you work well with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds
6.3. you display an appreciation of diverse perspectives  10
6.4. you value individual and cultural differences
6.5. you recognize your own prejudices and stereotypes you communicate in a culturally sensitive manner that is free from bias and stereotypes