AP Biology
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. No matter how the project is planned accidents or misfortune can still happen...." Robert Burns.
All plans are tentative and subject to change with pace of lecture and previous understanding of topics.
Sign up for Remind by texting @h3c447 to 81010 on your cellular device. This is mandatory and non-negotiable. Parents and students are both welcome on Remind.
Note to students: For the 1st two weeks you will be given an assignment pair of days. Part of it we will do together, the other part you will do on your alternate day. It is also important to note, the reason you are getting more review questions is that we can't do the labs until social distancing eases up so these will replace those lab activities for grading and practice for the time being.
Links to handouts for each unit are below, if you can't download these, please let me know so I can make other arrangements.
Unit One:
August 31-September 1: Syllabus and expectations; discuss lab reports and research papers; M&M lab will be assigned.
September 2-3: Lecture on Concepts of Biology (define it; levels of organization; life's processes; Energy transformation; Evolutionary View of Unity and Diversity;Scientific method; General Classification Review.
On your alternate/off day read chapter 1 in the Campbell Biology book assigned to you and answer the following questions ( you may handwrite and turn in the next day you are here or if you are an at home learner, you can type and submit or handwrite and photo and send it to me on remind or at [email protected]): Concept Check (CC) p. 16 #3, p. 22, #'s 1-4, p. 23 the Science Skills exercise, Concept check p. 24 #2 and Test Your Knowledge (TYK ) p. 26 #'s 1-7
September 4 -11: Have M and M lab write-up ready to turn in either virtually or in person by Sept. 4 or 8 depending on your A/B attendance day. In class we will lecture on Chapter 2--5: Chemistry of Living things (review atoms, elements, compounds, chemical reactions, bonding types, molecules, properties of water, acids and bases, organic compound types, functional groups) on your off day read chapters 2-5 and answer the following. p. 30 #3, p.36. # 's 1-4, p. 40 #'s 1-3 , p41 #13, p. 42-43 #'s 1-8 and 13. p.50 CC #'s 1-3 , p. 53 #1, p. 54 Scientific Skills Exercise, p. 55 TYK #'s 1-5. CC on p. 64 #1-2, p. 65 TYK #'s 1-3, 5-8 choose between #'s 10 & 11, p. 68 CC #1, p. 72 #'s 1-2, p. 75 1-2, p.83 #1, p. 86 #2, p 91 TYK #'s 1, 3-6,8 and 13.
coming up
September 14: Cellular History and Theory, History of Microscopy, Cell Structure and Function (prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells, cell structures and functions, plant vs. animal cells), Review of parts of the cell and their functions; covered before test Unit one test.
Archived plans below, just ignore this:
August 26-September 12
Discuss structure of the phospholipid membrane, discuss mechanisms of passive and active transport; watch video clips on each.
Cellular transport lab; Set up and run a 4 part lab on transport of molecules across membranes; discuss best fit\and percent change graphing of scientific data
Discuss cell division types; perform mitosis and meiosis labs.
Discuss an enzyme's role in metabolism; Perform enzyme catalysis
Discuss cellular Metabolism take Cellular respiration notes, watch video and perform Cellular respiration lab
Take Photosynthesis notes; watch video.
photosynthesis lab part a; transpiration notes
October 9-10: DNA structure, function and discovery; assign Scientists
October 11&14: Nova series DNA video
October 16: review and lecture
October 17: Translation-transcription with words activity
October 17-21: Viruses and bacteria, vaccines, immunity, antibiotic resistance
October 22; DNA Scientist presentatIons
October 23: Discuss plasmids and restrictions enzymes; DNA scissors, Paper plasmid gene insertion lab and DNA races
October 24: Discuss gene expression and other types of RNA and their roles, gene expression and cancer.
October 25: Discuss genomics and transposable elements
October 30: review CRISPR, DNA profiling, and PCR; practice pippeting
October 31: review for test
November 1: test on DNA
November 4: Evolution video; read selected exerpts from On the Origin of the Species by Natural
November 5-8: Lecture on Evolutionary history; Darwinian evolution, selection, speciation,Microevolution, fossil record and biogeography, Hardy-Weinberg principle and a Population genetics; Hardy-Weinberg activity will be performed; Problems will be completed for homework if not completed in class. Go over problems; Discuss video assignment and watch the movie "Evolution". Students will write a critical analysis of the accuracies and inaccuracies in the film. to be turned in 11/12
November 11: Test on Evolution and Population Genetics
November 12-15: discuss blood cells and circulatory physiology; relate to immune/lymph system
November 16-22: Neurophysiology, digestive and respiratory systems
Dec. 2: Test on systems
December3-6: Animal behaviour
December 9-12: Plant tropisms, Test on behaviour and tropisms, Plant and animal classification
December 13: Test on Plant and animal classifications
December 16-20: Exam Review if necessary for unexempt students; Exams or Holiday activities depending on exemptions
Handouts and Links for Unit 1