Earth and Space Science
Welcome to Earth and Space Science
Canvas is now available for students.
However, this week lessons will still be on here for virtual learners since we just got this notification 9/4 during lunch. More information and passwords to come during the next week.
For edpuzzle, the app is giving wierd nicknames instead of signing you in as you. Be aware, I can still grade you on the computer in the APP, just make sure your email address login for the site is something I can recognize as you, otherwise shoot me a Remind text with the name of the video and the cute nickname it assigns you for each video. If you are getting a message that you didn't do it, do not fear it is there, I can see how many you answered when you watched. Those of you that sent me screen shots of your question answers for proof this week, thank you for thinking ahead and being proactive. Good job.
Thank you all for your positive response and efforts this week.
This page will contain tenative lesson plans, directions, links, and documents students may need for this course.
Virtual learners will have plans for the next week as well as links to documents required to complete coursework until Canvas is live for this year. In addition, I am requiring that you sign up for Remind so that I may message and communicate with you about lessons and any changes that may be made on a daily basis. In order to sign up for Remind students and parents may text the following code to 81010 using their cell phones. The Earth Space Science code is @essfall2.
In addition, all students need to sign up for an EdPuzzle account. In order to do this, google search When the page comes up hit the three bars in the top right corner and choose the option that will take you to student. Follow directions on the site until it asks for a class code. The code for ESS is fasefnu. There will be videos there for you to watch and answer questions as the video progresses. The edpuzzle site grades you and I can give you a grade for watching the video.
If you have any trouble with these directions or any of the lesson plans, documents listed below, please shoot me a Remind or message me at our school account [email protected]. for clarification.
Canvas is now available for students.
However, this week lessons will still be on here for virtual learners since we just got this notification 9/4 during lunch. More information and passwords to come during the next week.
Virtual Learners unit one week one
Aug. 31: Handbook and class expectations; read pages 42-50 in the BHS handbook. (it is on the website if you don't have a paper copy).
Sept. 1: Make sure you have logged in to edpuzzle (directions are above). In edpuzzle, there is a video on measurement. Watch the video completing the questions as you progress (you will get a grade for doing this so try to be accurate). Complete the Reading a Graduated Cylinder worksheet (attached in a document below. Either take a picture with your phone or text me your answers in Remind for a grade.
Also, try to complete the "Scientists equipment" page (also below) and do the same with this worksheet for a grade.
Sept. 2: Watch the lab safety video on edpuzzle and answer the questions for a grade. Using the powerpoint notes packet below, skip to the last two slides on Scientific Inquiry and Scientific Method. Skip to the last page of the guided notes packet (labeled student notes below) and fill in the blanks using your notes. (shoot me a remind or an email with a picture of your completed work for a participation grade). Finally, go to the edpuzzle app and watch the video on Scientific Method and answer the questions for a grade.
Sept. 3: Using the slides attached below, read through the slides and fill in the notes packet. (shoot me a remind or email to show me that you have done so).
Sept. 4: Watch the video on Topographic mapping and answer any questions. Try to complete the Topographic maps attached and send me a pic or list of your answers for the last map only (Reagents Earth Science last 2 pages) on Remind or by email. I will send answers on Tuesday by Remind.
Sept. 7--Holiday
Sept. 8-- Unit one test review; Read chapter 2 notes and fill in the notes pages on 2.1 "chemistry" (atoms, molecules, isotopes etc.); Watch edpuzzle video on atomic structure. Complete worksheets (Atoms, Periodic Table of Elements, and Protons Neutrons and Electrons)
Sept. 9-- Do worksheet on atomic structure; Read over notes on slides for 2.2; fill in notes; complete crystal stucture of minerals worksheets (Making crystals)
Sept. 10--Read over slides for 2.3 and fill in student notes; watch ed puzzle video on minerals; complete worksheets mineral classification activity; (Moh's hardness scale sheet. name that mineral sheet, rocks and minerals puzzle, and wordwise puzzle) study for unit one test
Sept. 11--Unit one test; make sure all unit one videos and work have been submitted, make sure you have completed and submitted all unit two videos and notes.
Unit 1Handouts, links etc. for virtual learners
Unit two handouts