AP Physics Lesson Plans
AP Physics 1
Monday, March 18:
- Lecture/Notes: Thermal conductivity, heat transfer, gas laws
- Guided practice problems
Tuesday, March 19:
- Independent practice problems – Ch.16: 1, 10, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28, 35, 36
- Students will work together and help each other
- All solutions will be discussed and all questions answered
Wednesday, March 20:
- Independent practice problems – Ch. 17: 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 59, 60, 70, 71
- Students will work together and help each other
- All solutions will be discussed and all questions answered.
Thursday, March 21:
- Lecture/Discuss: The laws of thermodynamics and types of processes
- Guided practice problems
Friday, March 22
- Independent practice problems on thermodynamics laws from Ch. 18
- Students will work together and help each other
- All solutions will be discussed and all questions answered.
AP Physics 1 Week 7
III.D: Magnetism
III.E: Electromagnetism
Fluid Mechanics
Monday, February 20:
- Staff Development
Tuesday, February 19:
- Students will compete a practice set of questions and problems on magnetism. They will work together and help each other.
- The solutions will be provided and all questions answered.
Wednesday, February 20:
- Test on Magnetism
Thursday, February 21:
- Lecture/Discuss: states of matter, density, hydrostatic pressure, pascal’s principle
- View video of high ocean pressure crushing a diving helmet
- Guided practice problems
- Independent practice: Ch. 15 problems 6,9,11,15,17,18, and 19 (to complete for homework)
Friday, February 22:
- Check homework and discuss solutions. All student questions will be answered
AP Physics 1 Week 6
III.D: Magnetism
III.E: Electromagnetism
Monday, February 11:
- Lecture/Discuss: the nature of magnetic fields, forces exerted on moving charges, forces exerted on current-carrying wires, and solenoids.
- Students will read Ch. 22 and complete the conceptual questions
Tuesday, February 12:
- Students will work independently to complete practice problems on magnetism. Students will help each other.
- 22 1-27 odd, 31,33,45,49,57, and 59.
- Any problems not completed in class will be finished for homework
Wednesday, February 13:
- All problem answers will be checked and solutions discussed.
- Lecture/Discuss: Electromagnetic induction and Faraday’s law
- Students will read Ch. 23 and complete the conceptual questions
Thursday, February 14:
- Students will work independently to complete practice problems involving electromagnetic induction and Faraday’s Law. Students will assist each other.
- 23 1-9 odd, 13,17, 19, 21, and 25
Friday, February 15:
- All problem answers will be checked and solutions discussed.
- Students will begin a practice that reviews magnetism and electromagnetic induction
AP Physics 1 Week 5
III.A1.a-b: Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law
III.B: Conductors, Capacitors, and Dielectrics
III.C: Electric Currents
III.D: Magnetism
Monday, February 4:
- Electricity lab – students will build a mini plasma cutter, a leyden jar (capacitor), and a motor using household items.
Tuesday, February 5:
- Finish electricity lab
Wednesday, February 6:
- Test - electricity
Thursday, February 7:
- MC Math and Science Competition
Friday, February 8:
- Test - electricity
AP Physics 1 Week 4
III.A1.a-b: Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law
III.B: Conductors, Capacitors, and Dielectrics
III.C: Electric Currents
III.D: Magnetism
Monday, January 28:
- Hw problems will be checked and solutions discussed.
- Students will work independently to complete a review of problems and questions to probe understanding of the concepts covered so far.
Tuesday, January 29:
- Lecture/Discuss: current electricity, power, voltage, resistance, and circuit arrangements
- Building example circuits with play doh. Series and parallel circuits will be constructed to compare what happens to the brightness of LED lights when additional lights are added in both series and parallel circuits.
- Guided practice on calculating the voltage drop, power, current, and resistance in a circuit. Also on calculating equivalent resistance in series and parallel circuits.
- Independent practice problems.
- Teacher will assist students individually and they will work together.
Wednesday, January 30:
- Hw will be checked and all answers discussed
- Lecture/discuss: resistivity and conductivity and Kirchoff’s rules
- Independent practice involving electric current.
- The teacher will assist students individually and they will work together.
Thursday, January 31:
- Hw problems will be checked and solutions discussed
- Students will complete a set of questions and problems to review electric current.
- The teacher will assist students individually and they will work together.
Friday, February 1:
- Hw problems will be checked and solutions discussed
- Test Monday on Electricity
- Lecture/Discuss: Magnetic fields
AP Physics 1 Week 3
III.A1.a-b: Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law
III.B2: Capacitors
III.B: Conductors, Capacitors, and Dielectrics
Monday, January 21:
- MLK Holiday
Tuesday, January 22:
- Hw problems will be checked and all answers discussed
- Independent practice using Coulomb’s law, the principle of superposition and the electric field
- All solutions will be checked and correct answers discussed
- Teacher will assist students individually and they will work together
Wednesday, January 23:
- Lecture/Discuss: Electric potential energy and electric potential (including Khan academy videos to reinforce the lecture)
- Independent practice on calculating electric potential energy and electric potential
- Teacher will assist students individually and they will work together
Thursday, January 24:
- Hw problems will be checked and solutions discussed
- Lecture/Discuss: Capacitor function and series and parallel capacitors
- Independent practice calculating capacitance
- Teacher will assist students individually and they will work together
Friday, January 25:
- Hw problems will be checked and solutions discussed
- Independent practice on all electricity objectives covered so far
- Teacher will assist students individually and they will work together
AP Physics 1 Week 2
Objective: The student will be able to perform experimental data analysis.
- Describe types of measurement errors
- Determine and calculate errors, or uncertainties (including significant digits, measurement distribution, mean, standard deviations, precision, standard error, confidence, and percent difference)
I.A1a1: Given a graph of one of the kinematic quantities, position, velocity, or acceleration, as a function of time, they can recognize in what time intervals that the other two are positive, negative, and zero, and can identify a sketch of a graph of each as a function of time.
III.A1.a-b: Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law
Monday, January 14:
- Graph analysis answers will be checked and all correct answers will be explained.
- Brief review for test tomorrow on math review, data analysis, and kinematic graph analysis.
- Lecture/Discuss: Electric charge, conservation of charge, and detecting charge
Tuesday, January 15:
- Students will complete a test on the math review, data analysis, and kinematic graph analysis
Wednesday, January 16:
- Lecture/Discuss: Coulomb’s law and calculating the electric force on a point charge
- Guided Practice on using Coulomb’s law
- Independent practice on using Coulomb’s law
Thursday, January 17:
- Lecture/Discuss: Electric fields and drawing field lines
- Guided Practice on drawing field lines and determining the direction of electric force
Friday, January 18:
- Independent practice on electric charge, conservation of charge, electric force, Coulomb’s law and electric fields. Students will work together and finish for homework.
AP Physics 1 Lesson Plans Week 1 (1-4 to 1-6)
Objective: The student will be able to perform experimental data analysis.
- Describe types of measurement errors
- Determine and calculate errors, or uncertainties (including significant digits, measurement distribution, mean, standard deviations, precision, standard error, confidence, and percent difference)
- Best practices for graphing, data linearization, and linear fits used to determine unknown quantities.
Monday, January 7:
- Introduction to AP Physics 1, class expectations and procedures
- Review – students will complete a quick review of handling numbers in science: significant digits, scientific notation, solving equations, graphing, and basic trigonometry. Students may work together and the teacher will assist students individually
- Go over and correct the math review
Tuesday, January 8:
- Lecture/Discuss – Types of measurement errors, significant digits, measurement distribution, mean, standard deviation, precision, standard error, confidence, and percent difference.
- Guided practice – students will use a provided set of data to calculate the above quantities. The teacher will assist students individually and students will assist each other.
Wednesday, January 9:
- Lecture/Discuss – best practices for graphing, data linearization, and linear fits used to determine unknown quantities
- Guided Practice – students will use a provided data set to graph and analyze. The teacher will assist students individually and students will assist each other.
Thursday, January 10:
- Students will work independently to perform error/uncertainty calculations and graph analysis.
- The students work will be graded and answers discussed.
Friday, January 11:
- Students will work independently to complete the calculation of a regular volume using 5 measurements of each dimension with propagation of error throughout the calculation. The teacher will assist students individually.
- Students will work independently to cover a review of graph interpretation and answer questions requiring the interpretation of kinematic graphs. The teacher will assist students independently. Students will complete the analysis for homework