AT HOME (Economics)
How to get to my Class Via Canvas
1. Go to
2. Select Student
3. Select Canvas icon
4. Enter email
First 3 letters of student’s first name first three letters of student’s last name student’s lunch number
(if student is John Smith with lunch number 1234 you would put johsmi1234)
5. Enter Password
Bsd six digit birthdate
(if birthday is February 18, 2007 you would put Bsd021807)
6. Select Economics
How to submit work back to me:
1. Using your phone, go to your camera and take picture of the assignment you worked. Go to photos and select picture by clicking on the ones you want. Then click the box with an arrow in the bottom left hand corner. Then click mail and email it to [email protected] Make sure when you email it to me that you select all the pictures of assignment if it was a multiple page assignment. Also, add in the subject line of the email: Your name and then name of the top to send it.