AT Home (Letter to Parent)
Dear Parent(s) and Student,
Most importantly, thank you for trusting your children with us at Brookhaven High School. It is our top priority to provide a safe learning environment for your child. The last six months have brought each of us new challenges, and I am sure we will encounter even more throughout this school year. With your understanding and active participation, we will continue to overcome the obstacles that our school faces. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
We have high and simple expectations for your child:
● to always do his or her best in everything he or she does.
● to not only respect himself or herself, but also to respect me, other faculty and staff members, and his or her peers.
● to meet each day’s new challenges with a good attitude and Panther Pride.
For the 2020-2021 school year, Brookhaven School District will be incorporating the Learning Management System, Canvas. It has taken a considerable amount of time to get Canvas operational and it is still not quite ready for students to access. Material is being added constantly to ensure that at home learners receive the same education as in person learners. Until full access is available for all students, you will receive packets. These packets are the same work that will be done in the classroom.
The school year will be different for students, teachers, and parents. Please feel free to email me or contact the school at any time during the semester. If you have questions about an assignment or your child’s progress in my class, please let me know. I am here to help support you throughout this year, as well.
Even though we are experiencing uncharted waters, we are experiencing the waters together. We will get through this time together, and your child will be successful.
Always Panther Proud