Jennifer Whitaker » Announcements


Each student is expected to bring their chromebook to school each day for my class. Students may bring a personal laptop if they have one and would rather bring it. 
A detailed schedule with material covered and assignments due can be found in Canvas.
Remind 101 Information (Students, if you are not in my Remind group, you should be.)
1st Block Dual English Composition-send a text to 8110, text this message: @dualcomp1
2nd Block English IV-send a text to 8110, text this message: @eng4whi20
3rd Block Dual English Composition-send a text to 8110, text this message: @dlcmp3rd
ZOOM Information:
Zoom meetings for virtual students are on Mondays & Wednesdays during the regular class period and by appointment. The links to join these meetings are in your weekly agenda in your Canvas course. 
1st block dual enrollment-8:30am (M, W)
2nd block English IV-10:00am (M, W)
3rd block dual enrollment-11:30am (M, W)